• 他们身着迷彩服手持自动步枪

    They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.


  • 3名手持自动步枪歹徒开了

    Three gunmen with automatic rifles opened fire.


  • 步枪海军陆战队士兵看守他们

    Marines with rifles guarded them.


  • 再次出现他正步枪瞄准维德

    When he appeared again, he was aiming the rifle at Wade.


  • 步枪射击发出嘎嘎声。

    There was a rattle of rifle fire.


  • 米奇感到一支步枪枪口紧紧地抵住脖子

    Mickey felt the muzzle of a rifle press hard against his neck.


  • 他用步枪瞄准开了枪,接着排出了空弹壳。

    He aimed his rifle, fired a single shot, then ejected the spent cartridge.


  • 配有一支步枪

    He was armed with a rifle.


  • 法国手枪严格枪支管制,步枪没有

    France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.


  • 如此害怕,以至于一支上了步枪自己武装了起来

    She'd been so terrified that she had armed herself with a loaded rifle.


  • 由于打中,就建议我把步枪放到石头上来保持稳定。

    When I'd missed a few times, he suggested I rest the rifle on a rock to steady it.


  • 搜查房子时,他们发现了一支没有许可证的猎枪一支有许可证步枪

    While searching the house they discovered an unlicensed shotgun and a licensed rifle.


  • 我会步枪我的国家而战

    With my rifle, I will fight for my country.


  • 杰克步枪打错了。

    Jack's rifle misfired.


  • 无论如何,他们现在消失了;他们步枪

    They've all disappeared by now, one way or another; and I've got their rifles.


  • 采用弹簧活塞式发射装置狙击步枪射击几乎无声

    Featuring a spring piston firing mechanism, the sniper rifle is almost silent when fired.


  • 人们衬衣胸口是否步枪后作力造成的瘀伤

    They would rip off your shirt to see if you had a bruise from a recoiling rifle.


  • 成为了狙击手因为分发武器时候狙击步枪唯一能得到的。

    He became a sniper because the sniper rifle was the only thing he got when weapons were distributed.


  • 成为了狙击手因为分发武器时候狙击步枪唯一能得到的。

    He became a sniper because the sniper rifle was the only thing he got when weapons were distributed.


  • 在军中义务时候,努尔米一支步枪子弹一个背包参加了20公里行军。

    While serving a compulsory stint in the military, Nurmi entered a 20-k march carrying a rifle, a cartridge belt, and a knapsack.


  • 谷歌地图产品揭示一切一个狙击步枪四处走动的令人毛骨悚然家伙巴基斯坦疑似美国无人机

    Google's mapping products have revealed everything from a creepy dude walking around with a sniper rifle to suspected U.S. drones in Pakistan.


  • 一些人称聪明射手”,一种新型美国步兵步枪两种武器合二为一,射程可达1000而且有效绕过拐角射击

    Some call it the Smart Shooter, a new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is accurate up to 1,000 yards and in effect fires around corners.


  • 意大利艺术家波拉将它们变成更加凶险东西——令人毛骨悚然死亡象征,其中包括把 AK-47突击步枪一些人类遗骸

    Italian artist Bolla has transformed them into something a bit more sinister—macabre tokens of death that include an AK-47 assault rifle and human remains.


  • 艾迪自动步枪保险拉到了

    Eddie slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place.


  • 索尔斯正在寻找新的101步枪

    Sauers was looking for the new 101 rifle.


  • 也是一个支持公民携带武器全国步枪协会终身会员

    She is also a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association and supports the constitutional right to bear arms.


  • 海豹突击队的队员们正在加州克莱门特靶场练习M16突击步枪的实弹射击。

    9SEALs perform target practice with M16 assault rifles at a shooting range on San Clemente Island, California.


  • Ghumdhum位于缅甸相邻边界地区偏僻小山包上孟加拉步枪队的哨所

    "WE HAVE an excellent relationship with the soldiers on the other side," says Khalilar Rahman, a Bangladesh Rifles commander at a remote outpost on a hillock in Ghumdhum, on the border with Myanmar.


  • 吉姆林拿起步枪瞄准怪兽帕特森很快从地上翻身站起,手持他们随身带着摄像机那个生物边

    Whilst Gimlin kept a rifle trained on the beast, Patterson quickly regained his footing and ran towards the creature, filming all the time with a cine camera they had taken with them.


  • 突击步枪共有的特点是,分配器手柄可以让射手全自动(连续发射)半自动(单发发射)之间进行选择

    Characteristic of all assault rifles, a selector level allows the shooter to choose between automatic (continuous firing) and semi-automatic (single-shot firing).


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