When the last stranded whale of a group eventually dies, the story does not end there.
去年,在偏远的澳洲西北海岸,有70多头长鳍领航鲸搁浅死亡。 这一事件发生以后,相关组织公布了安乐死的新政策。
The new policy was announced last year as more than 70 long-finned pilot whales died after beaching themselves on a remote south-west Australian beach.
WHEN the Exxon Valdez ran aground in 1989 and dumped its oily cargo into Alaskan waters, it killed hordes of beautiful creatures and cost billions to clean up.
In January 2006, a bottle-nosed whale died in the Thames after it was lifted on to a pontoon ready to be taken back out to sea.
In January 2006, a bottle-nosed whale died in the Thames after it was lifted on to a pontoon ready to be taken back out to sea.