The population density of Beijing is about 850 people per square kilometer.
In places, there are a million pieces of plastic per square kilometre.
Only 0.01 people live there per square kilometer, mostly Inuit.
A landscape with an average of 45 people per square kilometre is ideal for sparking wildfires.
With a total population density of over 6300 people per square kilometer, it ranks 2nd in the world.
In one month, dust fall can reach as much as 17kg per square kilometre.
On average nearly 1000 people live in every square kilometer and over 80% of the population live in rural areas.
By 2031, the ONS forecasts, England will have 464 people per square kilometer.
The 2,000 UFOs are spotted every year in the United States represent just 0.0002 sightings per square kilometer.
黑龙江省有着巨大的风电发电潜力,拥有每平方公里平均风力电能密度达20 0瓦。
Heilongjiang also has great potential for wind power, with an average wind energy density of 200 watts per square metre.
On the YuHe water system in the ancient city of lijiang, over 354 Bridges, the density of the average per 93 square kilometers.
The UN Environment Programme reckoned in 2006 that every square kilometre of sea held nearly 18, 000 pieces of floating plastic.
Zhang said the catalysts have no direct impact on the environment as long as the doses are kept within 0.5 gram per square kilometer.
Suining is densely populated area, population density is 706 persons per square kilometer, population density is much larger than the country, the provincial average.
Yet with around 7, 000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world.
The key indicators for evaluating the benefit of explorational activity should include 2-D seismic cost per kilometer, 3-D seismic cost per square kilometer, and drilling cost per meter in depth.
VisitScotland said 0.004 UFOs were spotted for every square kilometer of Scotland a rate four times as high as in France or Italy, this planet's other UFO hotspots.
In the region surrounding the densely populated city of Hanoi — with nearly 2,000 people per square kilometre — it is difficult to escape arsenic-contaminated water, no matter how deeply you drill.
In the region surrounding the densely populated city of Hanoi — with nearly 2, 000 people per square kilometre — it is difficult to escape arsenic-contaminated water, no matter how deeply you drill.
Yet with around 7, 000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world. Its land mass is not large enough to supply its 5m inhabitants with water.
Yet with around 7,000 people per square kilometre, Singapore is the third most densely populated country in the world. Its land mass is not large enough to supply its 5m inhabitants with water.
His challenge is to show travellers how exciting NSW is as part of the Funster Experiment, and he must continue until he collects 802,000 fun moments – one for every square kilometre of the state.
The nine eastern lowland departments, comprising about 54% of Colombia's area, have less than 3% of the population and a density of less than one person per square kilometer.
The nine eastern lowland departments, comprising about 54% of Colombia's area, have less than 3% of the population and a density of less than one person per square kilometer.