• 不出所料,得分最高学生受过良好教育父母或者来自有学习辅助设备家庭比如电脑字典甚至桌子这样基本设施。

    Not surprisingly, the highest-scoring students had well-educated parents or came from homes containing study-aids such as computers, dictionaries or even such elemental facilities as desks.


  • 如果期待购买大宗商品的话,比如电脑或者汽车,最好推迟六月

    If you have wanted to buy something expensive, like a computer or a car, wait until June.


  • 有一些技能比较热门,比如电脑维修外语学习、乐器学习、运动技能等。

    Some skills are in great need, for example, computer repair, foreign languages, Musical Instruments and motor skills.


  • 这些工厂得依赖那些同样受到地震影响的工厂那里获得一些关键零部件比如电脑芯片

    The companies are also struggling to obtain key components, like computer chips, from suppliers whose factories were also affected.


  • 一些情况下比如电脑本身出问题而不是内置硬盘发生故障硬盘就可能受到影响

    There might be some scenarios in which a problem with the computer itself, as opposed to a breakdown of its internal hard disk, could affect the external drive.


  • 有时候可能找不出压力有什么好处比如电脑突然坏掉了,你失业了,这时候,你可以舒缓自己情绪

    Put it in perspective sometimes it's impossible to talk about the positive side of stress -- say your computer crashes and you lose valuable work -- but you can moderate your reaction.


  • 卧室用来睡觉——将一切会打搅睡眠东西清理的卧室,比如电脑电话其他的偷窃睡眠小玩意儿。

    Use your bedroom only for sleepclear your bedroom of distractions such as computers, phones and other "sleep stealers" in order to create a positive sleep association with the bedroom.


  • 一个笔友我们已经保持联系很多年了,新兴高科技相比比如电脑手机,我喜欢写信

    I have a pen friend, we have kept in touch with each other for many years, compare with the new high technology, such as cell phone and computer, I would rather to write.


  • 此外劳工统计局称,技术花销比如电脑硬盘网络服务手机服务占总开支的比例已几乎上涨至2%。

    Also, new technologies such as computer hardware and software, Internet service, and cell phone service rose from near zero to 2 percent of total spending, according to the BLS.


  • 此外劳工统计局称,技术花销比如电脑、硬盘,网络服务手机服务占总开支的比例已几乎上涨至2%。

    Energy Dept.. Also, new technologies such as computer hardware and software, Internet service, and cell phone service rose from near zero to 2 percent of total spending, according to the BLS.


  • 此外劳工统计局称,技术花销比如电脑、硬盘,网络服务手机服务占总开支的比例已几乎上涨至2%。

    Energy Dept... Also, new technologies such as computer hardware and software, Internet service, and cell phone service rose from near zero to 2 percent of total spending, according to the BLS.


  • 实际上用得还相当上手,我会一些关键系统改进比如电脑启动时自动加载本地磁盘创建页面文件改变GRUB启动菜单等。

    In fact, I was working flawlessly at the terminal, did critical system modifications such as auto-mounting local hard drives on start-up, creating a Pagefile, and changing the GRUB boot menu.


  • 通常应用现代成像技术来进行研究,比如电脑断层扫描正电子发射断层扫描技术,以及功能性核磁共振成像,正如之前所说这些技术可以看到大脑活动区域。

    Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.


  • 其中一些来自世界成功公司比如苹果公司牛顿电脑

    Some of them come from the world's most successful companies, like the Newton computer from Apple.


  • 我们从一些坏消息开始吧美国科技技能表现太差了比如使用电子邮件,在电脑上给文件命名网页链接或者发短信给某人

    Let's start with the bad news that Americans are terrible at technology skills, using email, naming the file on a computer, using the link on a webpage or just texting someone.


  • 们每天使用的许多电子设备,比如手机和电脑屏幕,都会发出蓝光。

    Many of the electronic devices we use every day, like our phones and computer screens, give off blue light.


  • 在中国制造的一些产品又好又便宜,比如小米手机,海尔冰箱和联想电脑

    Nowadays some products made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.


  • 是否存在一些其他人觉得琐碎平凡非常热衷的工作呢?比如割草修理电脑

    Are there any tasks that you really enjoy that others find mundane, like mowing or fixing computers?


  • 一位儿子深入交流母亲应该参与到儿子的活动比如绘画、健身电脑游戏这样就活动中交谈

    A mother who wants to communicate more with her son should get involved in an activity with him - painting, gym, computer games - and then talk during the activity.


  • 话说回来,人们还是有可能一个电子阅读器(或者用途广的设备比如平板电脑),主要用于阅读电子书同时用来读读电子报纸。

    It seems most likely, however, that people will buy e-readers (or more general-purpose devices, such as tablet computers) to read e-books primarily, and will then also use them to read e-newspapers.


  • 当然一些不是的老本行, 比如建筑电脑软件类的, 这时需要好好下苦功了,比如查阅一些专业名词.

    As a student majoring in both finance and accounting, I could do it very easily. Of course there was also some work beyond my major, such as architecture or computer software.


  • 什么东西电脑上,比如数码相机吧,你就得需要各种各样难看转换线

    If you want to plug anything into this, such as a digital camera, you need all sorts of ugly adapters.


  • 比如电脑可以下国际象棋

    So, my computer can play chess.


  • 研究的确也没有比较两者之间优略:练习动作游戏,还是从事其他活动比如电脑,去体验真正的生活

    Nor, indeed, does the study compare the benefits of training on action video games with those of other activities that involve switching off the computer and getting a life.


  • 比如iPad平板电脑支持用户发送电子邮件电影甚至可以增强版的Gyro陀螺仪游戏

    The iPad, for instance, allows users to send e-mails, watch movies, even play gyroscope-enhanced games.


  • 如果平板电脑屏幕一张图表,比如新的苹果iPad电脑当然能以图画形式将所画的储存

    If you draw a diagram on the screen of a tablet computer, like the new Apple iPad, the computer can of course store the drawing as an image.


  • 位置发生变化比如电脑转向移动web页面,从移动Web页面转为仅仅使用手机短信,你的Facebook会话可以始终跟随

    As your situation changes and you move from computer to mobile Web, from mobile Web to SMS only, your Facebook conversation can follow you.


  • 所以我来说,抛弃曾经便利生活条件适应这里的生活,的确是个挑战比如电脑,电视,手机类物品

    So the challenge there is try to learn how to live without the creature comforts you're used to, like a computer,like a TV, cell phone.


  • 数据显示人们喜欢一些他们没有玩意——比如平板电脑智能手机

    Evidence suggests they are using it to buy the gadgets they do not own - such as tablets and smartphones.


  • 数据显示人们喜欢一些他们没有玩意——比如平板电脑智能手机

    Evidence suggests they are using it to buy the gadgets they do not own - such as tablets and smartphones.


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