• 格林布拉特指出,“一千万亿焦耳可以满足5万辆燃料电池汽车所需能量。”

    "One petajoule is the energy required to power 50,000 hydrogen fuel-cell cars for a year, " Greenblatt points out.


  • FCXClarity本田第一代燃料电池汽车,FCX概念基础上研制出来的。

    The FCX Clarity is based on Honda's first-generation hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle, the FCX concept car.


  • 研究发现利用WWS资源充电电池汽车燃料电池汽车有助于大幅降低交通领域污染

    The study also found that battery-electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles recharged by WWS options would largely eliminate pollution from the transportation sector.


  • Woolsey先生,这混合燃料都不需要什么新的基础设施的配套支持(这一点燃料电池汽车不同)。

    Both blends, notes Mr Woolsey approvingly, need little new infrastructure to support them (unlike, say, hydrogen fuel-cell cars).


  • 然而他们低估了现实,要制造安全可靠价格合理,并且行驶距离驾驶性能被广大司机接受氢燃料电池汽车并没有想象中那么容易。

    But they underestimated the obstacles in the way of producing a reliable, affordable car with the kind of range and drivability motorists now take for granted.


  • 这种新的生物酶方式相对于的方式可以产生3更多可能意味着通过这些燃料电池汽车生产气将更具可行性

    The method produces three times more hydrogen than an older enzymatic method does, suggesting that it might be practical to use such enzymes to produce hydrogen for fuel-cell vehicles.


  • 其它日本汽车制造商已经开始着手制造燃料电池汽车这种汽车通过化学反应发电这种化学反应的副产品只有

    Other Japanese automakers have been working to create fuel cell cars, which produce electricity through a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, with water the only by-product.


  • 理论上讲燃料电池驱动汽车无污染的,由于难以廉价、大量地生产,这种汽车普及方面打折扣。

    Vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells are, in theory, pollution-free but their popularity has been compromised by the difficulty of generating hydrogen cheaply and plentifully.


  • 由此产生可以用来汽车燃料电池补充燃料一氧化碳混合可以用作合成气体”的燃料

    Hydrogen produced could be used to fuel hydrogen fuel cells in cars, for example, while a combination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be used to create "syngas" for fuel.


  • 并不像燃料电池驱动汽车,本周本田发布的电动汽车并不需要管路传送能源

    Unlike cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells, of the sort launchedby Honda this week, battery cars do not need new pipes to deliver their energy.


  • 汽车火车轮船其他交通工具使用动力燃料电池飞机将采用燃料

    Cars, trains, ships, and other forms of transportation would use hydrogen-powered fuel cells, and aircraft would run on hydrogen fuel.


  • 款零排放汽车-电混合动力驱动,燃料电池位于后部

    It is powered by a hydrogen-electric, emission-free, fuel cellsystem located at the rear.


  • 汽车制造商热衷于宣传它们几个试验车型它们提供燃料电池实际性能数据

    Carmakers are also keen to publicise the handful of trials that are providing them with data on the real-world performance of hydrogen fuel-cell cars.


  • 这部未来风格的跑车一部动力排放燃料电池超级汽车

    The futuristic sports car is a hydrogen-powered, zero emission, fuel-celled supercar.


  • 本田(Honda)昨日发布汽车一部面向零售客户动力燃料电池汽车定于2008年中交付使用。

    Honda yesterday unveiled the auto industry's first hydrogen-powered fuel-cell vehicle destined for retail customers, who are due to receive the cars in mid-2008.


  • 上世纪90年代燃料动力汽车拥护者们曾预测燃料电池汽车最早次年进入消费者市场

    In the 1990s, proponents predicted consumers could be driving fuel-cell vehicles as early as next year.


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造,用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel-cell cars, though advocates admit that these are still a long way off.


  • 燃料电池含有350压力一个鱼缸复合材料汽车后面安装地板平底锅

    The hydrogen that feeds the Fuel Cell is contained at a pressure of 350 bars in a tank made out of composite material installed beneath the car's rear floor pan.


  • 燃料电池汽车污染物排放使得它非常具有吸引力,但是使用燃料,就必须寻找一种清洁可承受成本方式生产运输储存,而是个很大的挑战

    While fuel-cell vehicles are appealing because they emit no pollutants, it's been a challenge to find clean and affordable ways to produce, transport, and store hydrogen to fuel them.


  • 叙述我国建设燃料电池汽车用加所涉及建设思路车用选择看法有关建议

    This article describe constructive idea of adding hydrogen station on Chinese fuel cell auto and view of hydrogen source choice by auto and relate to suggestion.


  • 辆尚处于实验阶段的清洁能源汽车依靠天然气行驶。另一使用谷物蒸馏而来酒精第三辆则装有燃料电池提供能量的零排放发动机

    One experimental clean-energy car runs on natural gas. Another USES ethanol distilled from corn. A third has a zero-emissions electric motor powered by a hydrogen fuel cell.


  • 目前为止,燃料电池发动机最有竞争力汽车动力代替品。氢燃料电池发动机燃料产生电能以充当汽车动力

    By far, the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which USES hydrogen to create electricity that, in turn, powers the car.


  • 通用相信基于电池燃料电池技术的电力驱动汽车个人交通提供了一种长期解决方案Nickel补充说

    GM believes that electrically driven vehicles, based on battery and hydrogen fuel cell technology, offer the best long-term solution for providing sustainable personal transportation, he added.


  • 燃料电池中的催化剂作用下产生能驱动汽车发动机排放只有水蒸气。

    In the fuel-cell, hydrogen and oxygen mix in the presence of catalyst to create electricity that drives engine of car and so on, and the water vapor is the only emission.


  • 发明燃料电池汽车车载系统功能齐全结构简单安防措施到位,安全可靠性高

    The fuel cell vehicle carriage hydrogen system has the advantages of complete function, simple structure, in-place security protection measure, and high safety and reliability.


  • 并不像燃料电池驱动汽车本周本田发布电动汽车并不需要管路传送能源

    Unlike cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells, of the sort launched by Honda this week, battery cars do not need new pipes to deliver their energy.


  • 众多代用燃料中,燃料燃料电池目前生命力汽车能源

    Hydrogen fuel and hydrogen fuel cell are more vitality and new energies for motor vehicles at present time in many alternative fuels.


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel- cell cars , though advocates admit that these are still a long way off .


  • 一些人甚至梦想天然气制造用以提供燃料电池汽车动力支持者们承认这个方向上还有长的要走

    Some even dream of using natural gas to make hydrogen which would power fuel- cell cars , though advocates admit that these are still a long way off .


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