Objective To determine the toxicity and mutagenic effect of trichloroacetaldehyde.
No, Chloral Hydrate has a half-life of only 4 hours in people with a high tolerance.
The remained waste sulfuric acid was vapor distilled to reduce the chloral content so that it could be utilized in fertilizers product.
The waste sulfuric acid containing chloral was treated with new process, including diluted with water and directly steam distillating without pre-heating.
首先培养神经细胞,分别用1,2DCE、2 氯乙醛、2 氯乙醇对生长良好的神经细胞进行处理,然后做相应的组织学观察和生化检测。
Neurons and neuroglia cells were cultured and treated with 1,2 DCE and its metabolic products(2 chloroacetaldehyde and 2 chloroethanol ). The morphology and biochemical change were observed.
Chlorohydrin production of propylene oxide with the impurities except for acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and hydrocarbon, epoxides, halogenated alkanes, acetone, alcohols, such as.
Chlorohydrin production of propylene oxide with the impurities except for acetaldehyde, propionaldehyde and hydrocarbon, epoxides, halogenated alkanes, acetone, alcohols, such as.