The degradation of cypermethrin in different soils and the effect of cypermethrin on different soil enzymatic activity are conducted.
A method for quantitative analysis of beta-cyfluthrin using normal phase HPLC was studied.
Cyfluthrin synthesis methods are discussed by comparing two different synthesis routes.
The resistance of German cockroach(field strain) to beta-cypermethrin was highest, of which resistance ratio was 4.5.
This paper introduced the synthesis method of cyfluthrin by comparing two routes.
Omethoate, Cypermethrin and parathion additive does not affect its basic effect.
Cypermethrin could be applied for the control of Japanese encephalitis vector mosquitoes in these areas.
These inhibitors produced a synergism with cypermethrin but had no synergism with bifenthrin.
The invention discloses a pesticidal main agent and a pesticide by compounding destruxins of Metarrhizium anisopliae and high-efficiency cypermethrin.
The residual dynamics and final residual level of cypermethrin in corn and soil were determined with GC-ECD.
Objedtive: To explore the technological conditions about preparing for microcapsules with an urea-formaldehyde resin as wall and with cypermethrin as core material.
家蝇对常用杀虫剂的抗性由低到高依次为溴氰菊酯、 氯氰菊酯、氯菊酯、敌敌畏;
Results:From low to high degree of resistance, for mosquitoes, the insecticides are deltamethrin, permethrin, DDVP, and for flies are deltamethrin, cypermethrin, permethrin, and DDVP;
方法 蚊幼虫密度调查采用勺捕法,使用10%高效氯氰菊酯、安备1%颗粒剂投放于现场。
Methods The density surveillance was conducted by the spoon method, and 10% beta-cypermethrin and 1% Abate larvicide were deployed on the spot for larval control.
Microscopic measurment indicated that the intervals of mycelia branches were shortened significantly when treated with fenoxaprop, cyflithrin, deilamethrin and so on.
Anopheles sinensis were captured in malaria vector surveillance sites and no Anopheles anthropophagus was found. 340 bed nets were impregnated with Cyfluthrin in a local outbreak site.
The degradation trends of cypermethrin, fenvalerate, chlorpyrifos and chlorothalonil in autumn spinach were studied under open-field condition by spraying.
The mechanism of cypermethrin residue degradation by the biochemical preparation may be related to metabolizing enzymes and several other biochemical ingredients contained in the preparation.
Results The cypermethrin preparation could control pests for 2 months, but the effective duration of cypermethrin confected by chitosan was more than 3 months.
The photolysis dynamics of Cypermethrin in tea leaf under artificial light and sunshine was investigated with special reference to that in PMMA film.
The mechanisms for the degradation activity of the extracts for cypermethrin may be related to the biochemical components, including degradation enzymes, in the extracts.
利用自制抗体建立并优化了氯氰菊酯和三氟氯氰菊酯的间接竞争ELISA (IC - ELISA)检测方法。
An indirect competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IC-ELISA) for cypermethrin and cyhalothrin was developed and optimized by using polyclonal antibodies.
This paper describes an HPLC method to simultaneously determine methyl-parathion and phoxim in mixed formulation of methyl-parathion, phoxim and cypermethrin.
The experiment of soil bioremediation illustrates that bioaugmentation is effective by inoculating bacterium GF31 with the advantage of competition growth to the indigenous microorganisms.
对有代表性的氯氰菊酯、 氯氟氰菊酯、精禾草克、精盖草能等手性农药及其中间体对映体的色谱分离方法进行了总结。
The chromatographic separation methods of the chiral pesticides and their intermediates, such as cypermethrin, cyfluthrin, quezalofop-p-ethyl, haloxyfop-p-methyl were summarized in this article.
Pyrethroids, such as cyhalothrin, fenvalerate, deltamethrin, permethrin, cypermethrin, bifenthrin did not cross-react significantly for fenpropathrin in this assay except it's metabolites.
Also the exposure induced the neuron cell's DNA chain to rupture and the damage displayed an dose-effect relation and may persist for a long time.
Authors researched the degradation of fenvalerate, permethrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in 3 vegetables. The half-life of the degradation of 4 Pyrethroids -1.4~3.1 days.
生物测定结果表明,PBO对所测定的7种拟除虫菊酯均有不同程度的增效作用,对氰戊菊酯的增效比最高(1193) ,对氯菊酯的增效比最低(21)。
The bioassay results indicated that PBO synergised 7 pyrethroids significantly, with the highest synergistic ratio (119 3) for fenvalerate and the lowest (2 1) for permethrin.
生物测定结果表明,PBO对所测定的7种拟除虫菊酯均有不同程度的增效作用,对氰戊菊酯的增效比最高(1193) ,对氯菊酯的增效比最低(21)。
The bioassay results indicated that PBO synergised 7 pyrethroids significantly, with the highest synergistic ratio (119 3) for fenvalerate and the lowest (2 1) for permethrin.