• 梯田”土石山区特定地貌类型产物,一项具体水土保持工程措施。

    The soil gathered terraced fields, as the result of special mountain area landforms composing of earth and stone, are a specific measure of water and soil conservation.


  • 内蒙古黄河流域水土保持工程水文设计模型水土保持工程设计水文计算复杂繁琐过程变的十分简捷。

    The hydrologic frequency design model made the complex hydrologic computation easier in the design of soil and water conservation works in Inner Mongolian Yellow River watershed.


  • 利用生物措施中的植被进行黄土高原水土保持工程生态环境改良有着明确的目的性与可控制的操作性。

    On the basis of which the soil and water conservation engineering and eco-environmental improvement on Loss Plateau by the way of biological means of vegetation will have a clear and decided aim.


  • 土地开发整理项目本身一项水土保持工程,其是否需要水土保持方案如何编制是亟待解决科学生产问题

    It is imperative to settle some problems, scientific and practical. Does land consolidation project need to make the plan of soil and water conservation? How to make the plan?


  • 勘察设计环境保护水土保持水源质量保护、工程质量和技术经济等进行全面综合考虑

    Environmental protection, water and soil conservation, water source quality protection, engineering quality, technologies and economies should be considered comprehensively during survey and design.


  • 水土保持工作一项直接关系三峡工程“南水北调”工程重要工作也是西部生态环境建设重要内容之一

    Water and soil conservation task is an important job related to TGP project and to water from south to north, and it is one of important contents of west environment construction.


  • 方案编制将重点放在开发建设项目可行性研究阶段水土保持方案主体工程设计提出约束条件

    The plan should be made in the feasibility study stage so that restriction conditions are given by the water and soil conservation plan to the design of main part of the project.


  • 主体工程具有水土保持功能工程界定评价可以体现“预防为主,防治结合”的基本理念

    Boundary and assessment for major engineering with the function of soil and water conservation can reflect the basic idea of "prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control".


  • 主要植物措施工程措施方面总结了南水库水土保持工作

    This paper sums up the working of soil and water conservation from two aspects of planting and project treatment.


  • 水土保持生态环境工程速度加快

    Construction of water and soil conservation and ecological protection projects has been accelerated.


  • 编制公路工程水土保持方案时,需要水土流失量进行预测。

    While the program of water and soil conservation is drawn up, the prediction of the amount of soil erosion is needed.


  • 水土保持工程措施有效地提高土壤含水率

    Engineering measures of SWC on the hillslope can improve soil water content.


  • 水土保持一项复杂系统工程这个任务不是单一措施、某个业务部门承担得了的。

    As soil conservation is a complicated systematic engineering, its tasks can not be implemented by an-unitary profession.


  • 目的以科学指导南水北调中线工程水源区各分区水土保持生态建设南水北调中线工程提供优质可靠的水源保证。

    Aim Scientific guidance to the water and soil conservation ecological construction, to provide quality water for south-to-north water diversion.


  • 介绍了巴公电厂热电联产改扩建工程水土保持工作中的监测区域、监测点布设、监测内容方法、监测时段与频率、监测机构监测监督制度

    This paper introduces the detection area, detecting points arrangement, detection contents and methods, detection time step and frequency, detection institutions and detection supervision system, etc.


  • 建平县治理干旱风沙实践证明水土保持中心,以造林种草重点工程措施生物措施相结合,山、、村、田、路综合治理生态建设是获得经济、社会、环境效益统一的成功模式。

    Jian Ping County's practice in improving dry and Sandy land has proved that the ecological construction With conservation of Water and soil as key work the plantation of trees and grass as ke...


  • 引水灌溉工程开发建设项目,在施工中产生水土流失,具有一定特殊性;其水土保持方案设计,也有一定的规律可循。

    Soil erosion caused by exploitation and construction during diversion and irrigation work had certain particularity, and the soil and water conservation of which had special rules too.


  • 建平县治理干旱风沙实践证明水土保持为中心,以造林种草重点工程措施和生物措施相结合,山、、村、田、路综合治理生态建设是获得经济、社会、环境效益统一的成功模式。

    Jian Ping County's practice in improving dry and Sandy land has proved that the ecological construction With conservation of Water and soil as key work the plantation of tre...


  • 通过水电工程水土保持监理实例,总结实施水土保持监理一些体会提出相应建议。

    The authors summed up some understandings and some useful advices to supervision of soil and water conservation for construction of hydro-electric engineering were put forward.


  • 针对输变电工程水土流失特点提出相应水土保持措施

    According to the features of the water and soil loss, the paper gives the corresponding soil and water conservation measures.


  • 针对输变电工程水土流失特点提出相应水土保持措施

    According to the features of the water and soil loss, the paper gives the corresponding soil and water conservation measures.


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