He didn't talk about men always being on top of the leadership organization, and he didn't promote marriage very much, which is what this author does.
What she could never be was ugly, clumsy, or just a man in drag.
If not, you will always bethrown into the bargain bin with all of the other men who failed to see thepoint.
Even with the things you've managed to accomplish in your lifetime, including the possessions you've acquired, you will never be a complete man until you use your passport.
The man racked it up a notch: "If you get on the plane, you'll be taken from me for ever. If you go to America, you'll never come back.
Men never lose their obsession for impractical, spatially-related toys - they just spend a lot more on them.
“A woman should never trust a man, even ifit's her husband,” she said. “A woman can only trust herself.”
She explains why curly-haired women - with the exception of Andie McDowell - should always straighten their hair and why the Rachel Zoe boho look will never be a winner when it comes to bagging a man.
"It is women against men," she said afterward, uncharacteristically discouraged. "our action will never succeed."
Who are we kidding: if men, in particular married male public figures, have taught us anything, it's that there are always strings with infidelity.
Men and women love differently, and if you learn how to love men the way they need to be loved, you'll never be lonely.
Because a man thatdoesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
In the secretive world of robot fetishists, the ideal woman - or man - has a fixed stare, movable limbs and definitely won't ever dump you.
This is the family man with a heart of gold who will never forget your birthday or refuse to cook you a meal.
As a writer, his greatest aim was to ameliorate the conditions that made life terrible; as a man, he lived as though forever attempting to atone for his own wickedness, real or imagined.
The survey pointed a critical finger at the Italian male: "he is invariably egoistic, selfish, often violent, and only seeking self-satisfaction."
I would not date a guy whose pants are smaller than mine The fact that I can't get my leg in his jeans.
And a smashing job puts you in touch with the kind of man you couldn’t access if you were a dummy.
Man's work lasts till set of sum; woman's work is never done.
Piscean men and women are appreciative and will not forget your thoughtfulness.
“Never count a man happy until the end of his days, ” the Greeks used to say, and the same truth applies here.
Men who can eat anything they want and not gain weight should do it out of sight of women.
Beckham will forever remain a legend of United and a fan favorite, as for the man himself, its widely recognized that David "hates" to play against his former club.
Beckham will forever remain a legend of United and a fan favorite as for the man himself its widely recognized that David "hates" to play against his former club.
Men may not do these things, but many men do something more romantic than all that: they keep their love in their hearts forever.
Men may not do these things, but many men do something more romantic than all that: they keep their love in their hearts forever.