• 擎天柱,我这个信息传给各个星球避难汽车人我们在这里等你们

    I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting for you.


  • 汽车退守地球霸天虎征服星系。

    The Autobots driven to Earth. Decepticons conquer entire Centuri system.


  • 汽车退守地球霸天虎征服星系。

    Oslash; The Autobots driven to Earth. Decepticons conquer entire Centuri system.


  • 啦!注意事项就是这些总之汽车人是很优待俘虏的!

    OK! these are the warnings, anyway autobots are good to capitives.


  • 擎天柱,我这个信息传给各个星球避难汽车人我们在这里等你们!

    I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: we are here, we are waiting.


  • 选择雪佛兰汽车人升级权力挑战朋友使记分牌上

    Choose a Chevy Autobot, upgrade its powers, and challenge friends to make it to the top of the scoreboard.


  • 威震天带来了很多狂派成员地球诈骗就是其中一个。他总是给汽车制造尽可能麻烦

    Swindle is just one of many Dcepticons brought to Earth by Megatron to cause as much trouble as possible for the Autobots.


  • 新手,但是希望成为成功者,有能和那些伟大的汽车人战士平等的在一起。

    He's an unproven rookie who wants to be a player, to one day stand as an equal with other great AUTOBOT champions.


  • 如果机器身为巨型卡车智慧能变身的汽车人(Autobots)……就酷到能改变流行文化历史了。

    Robots that turn into giant trucks and command a fleet of autobots - now that could change pop culture history.


  • 笨蛋了解小红吗?仅仅是为了让轮胎在拆的时候一个螺丝,他就会我们卖掉变成汽车人俘虏吗?

    Moron! Don't you know Starscream? He would sell us all only if that will make the bots remove one screw less! U wanna be their captive?


  • 如果Ford转变角色,世界级萧条幸存者变成世界级的生产制造者拉利就将证明一名货真价实的汽车——不过是以自己的标准来定位的。

    Yet if Ford is going to change gears from world-class survivor to world-class manufacturer, Mulally will have to show that he is indeed a car guyjust his own kind of one.


  • 这位2006加盟Ford前已Boeing(波音)工作37年的CEO,在上任伊始即卷入了一些流言蜚语,比如说不是一个汽车”(carguy)——好像只有在底特律工作过的才算是汽车人(译者注:底特律全美最大的汽车生产制造中心)。

    The CEO arrived at Ford in late 2006 after 37 years at Boeing, amid some sniping that he wasn't a "car guy" - as if the car guys in Detroit were doing a bang-up job.


  • 汽车喷成了蓝色

    She's had the car sprayed blue.


  • 我们汽车当时仍然运行得让难以相信地

    Our car was still going unbelievably well.


  • 有些认为,”说,“汽车恶劣的罪行确实如此。”

    "Some people would consider," he observed, "that stealing the motor-car was the worst offence; and so it is."


  • 警方已向这辆汽车驾驶发出传票。

    The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car.


  • 这些汽车机器制造的。

    These cars are built by robots.


  • 教导年轻如何汽车喷漆修理护栏

    The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences.


  • 当骑车冒失穿过车流时,汽车喇叭响个不停

    Car horns toot as cyclists dart precariously through the traffic.


  • 沃尔沃的3小组拆了汽车进行修复

    Volvo's three-man team stripped the car and treated it to a restoration.


  • 汽车保险费有时年轻开车承受不起。

    Car insurance can be prohibitively expensive for young drivers.


  • 他们名男子抓住这些看上去强使他们进入了一汽车

    They were grabbed by three men who appeared to force them into a car.


  • 公共汽车失控

    The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people.


  • 汽车抛锚了,我们只得拖走

    The car broke down and we had to get somebody to give us a tow.


  • 我们汽车里。

    Six of us were jammed into one small car.


  • 他们打算多少这辆公共汽车

    How many people are they going to try and squash into this bus?


  • 年轻纷纷爬公共汽车围墙看得清楚些。

    Young men climbed on buses and fences to get a better view.


  • 辆公共汽车河里至少50死亡

    At least 50 people died when a bus plunged into a river.


  • 公共汽车停下来了车

    The bus stopped and four people got on.


  • 机器汽车撞上其他东西

    Robot cars will crash into other things.


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