The radiative heat transfer coefficients of the immersed tude within the operating conditions of the fluidized bed combustion boiler with low grade coal are also discussed.
It may be seemed that the heat transfer model presented in this paper would reflect the heat transfer process of the immersed tube in the fluidized bed combustion boiler.
On the basis of an analysis of fluidized-bed boiler dynamic performance the authors have designed a simplified model after consulting a self-adaptive SPC dual-ring selective system.
For example, many textbooks state that if a skull is initially intact, the brains will boil and cause the skull to explode into small fragments.
Fluidized bed combustion: a method of burning particulate fuel such as coal in which the amount of air required for combustion far exceeds that found in conventional burners.
The effect of in-bed tube structure on bed fluidization as well as that of the fluid-bed combustion on heating surface arrangement is also discussed in the paper.
The flame of the fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil.
It makes you feel like burning all over and your blood boiling when you hear someone yelling at you.
The flaming bamboos were handed on in their hands, and their cheering could be heard everywhere in the rain.
Yellow, which seems sick and neurotic, is burning and boiling against the dark red, grey blue and grey white.
With the bright flame burning, the water in the canteen started boiling.
According to experience in Chekiang within the past seven years, it is clear that over-flow type fluidized bed furnace is a rational type for burning low calorific value and low grade stone coal.
Combustion efficiency also decrease with bed temperature because of the decrease in strength of the fuel agglomerates.
The test results show that it is feasible to enhance the combustion efficiency of fluidized bed boilers through the use of the cyclone burn-out chamber.
However, it is still hot, hot, boiling, and pain after the happiness, the heart of the optical light, like lightning, so that the same meteor burning teardrop.
However, it is still hot, hot, boiling, and pain after the happiness, the heart of the optical light, like lightning, so that the same meteor burning teardrop.