• 承包双方的权利义务依照法律承包合同规定

    The rights and obligations of the two contracting parties shall be stipulated in the contract in accordance with the law.


  • 了解联邦,州当地法律中的权利义务

    Know your rights and responsibilities under federal, state, and local law.


  • 每个行使自己权利享有自由时必须要遵守法律承担义务

    All individuals, while exercising their rights and enjoying freedoms, should abide by laws and fulfill their obligations.


  • 权利转让。根据法律其他规定,不得协议规定权利义务转让、分许可或转移给其他人。

    Assignment. You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise.


  • 企业通常情况下遵守规程一个约定规程一样规定了道义上的法律上的权利义务

    A procedure normally followed in a business situation, and which may carry as much moral and legal right and obligation as an agreed-upon procedure.


  • 这些权利义务一致的状况是不符合法律要求的。

    The inconsistent between rights and obligation do not meet certain legal requirements.


  • 新闻评论侵权行为一旦发生,在侵权责任人同受害人之间会产生一种特定权利义务关系就需要法律调整

    Once the infringement of news review occurs, it brings a particular relationship of right and duty between relative journalist and victim which demands the law to adjust.


  • 由于违约责任侵权责任法律存在较大差异,所以这两责任不同选择极大地影响到当事人权利义务

    As the breach of contract and tort law, there are big differences, so the responsibility of the different options for both types will greatly affect the rights and obligations of the parties.


  • 包含问题包括正义法律财产公民权利义务

    It includes questions about justice, the good, law, property, and the rights and obligations of the citizen.


  • 物业管理法律关系内容双方主体权利义务关系。

    The contents of property management legal relationship are the relationship between the right and duty of subjects.


  • 私法可以分为六个主要分支共同涵盖各项法律所规定权利义务

    Private law can be divided into six major branches according to the kinds of legal rights and obligations involved.


  • 文章通过备用信用证当事人之间法律关系深刻剖析,进而明确界定备用信用证当事人权利义务

    The paper makes a penetrating analysis of legal relations between parties of standby letter of credit to define explicitly rights and obligations of party of standby letter of credit.


  • 这一法律关系认定直接关系司法实践当事人责任权利义务划分。

    Asserting that concerns the divi - sion of party's responsibility and rights and obligations in judicial practice directly to this legal relation.


  • 民事法律关系构成要素权利义务责任,债三者结合成。

    The debt is a kind of civil legal relation, it forms key element as right, obligation and responsibility, the debt was combined for the three.


  • 国际私法任务解决法律冲突还是解决涉外民商事法律关系主体之间实体权利义务国际私法学界一直存在争论

    Whether the private international law is mandated to resolve conflicts or to resolve the main foreign business relations between the entity's rights and obligations has been being in dispute.


  • 第三部分分析了农村土地信托基础最核心问题——农村土地信托法律关系主体权利义务

    Part three analyzes the most basic and the core issue in rural land trust - the rights and obligations of subjects in legal relationship of rural land trust.


  • 由于我国现今法律法规未能明确手术签字患者知情同意之间的关系,使得医院患者之间的权利义务关系甚明确。

    Because there are no clear describe as rights and responsibilities between hospitals and patients about pre-operation signing and informed consent in relevant laws and regulations in China.


  • 两岸律师制度不同之处主要表现律师资格、律师执业、律师的权利义务法律援助等方面

    Because of being influenced by the politics, history and other factors, they still have many differences in lawyers' qualifications, rights and duties, practice, legal AIDS, etc.


  • 根据法律其他规定,不得协议规定权利义务转让、分许可或转移给其他人。

    You may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise.


  • 义务教育教育基础阶段,接受义务教育是每个公民基本权利国家制度法律给予保障

    Accepting the compulsory education is not only the basic right of each citizen, but also should be protected by the law and the national system.


  • 社会各种职业平民法律地位权利义务进行了分别表述。

    It explains the legal status, right and obligation of the kinds of vocation of them.


  • 董事与公司之间法律关系董事法律地位确立董事权利义务责任的前提基础。

    Such relationship which means the legal status of Director is the basement of the rights, obligation and liability of Director.


  • 学校法律地位具体体现学校法定权利义务

    The legal position of school is reflected by it's legal right and duty.


  • 人权法律关系权利主体享有权利义务主体所承担义务包括尊重保护实现义务

    The rights the subject of the human rights legal relations enjoys are the obligations the subject of obligation should shoulder, including respect, protection and implementation.


  • 出质投资者质权人权利义务质押合同内容适用有关法律法规规定的有关规定。

    The rights and obligations of the pledgor and the pledgee and the content of the pledging contract shall be governed by pertinent stipulations in relevant laws, regulations and these Provisions.


  • 强制平仓既是权利又是义务,明确强制通知情形、平仓顺序法律后果的承担。

    Mandatory rights and obligations as liquidated, compulsive unwind positions, notice the sequence and legal consequences.


  • 中国古代,受儒家理思想宗族制度影响法律意义上权利义务不是以个人而是国家社会为基本对象进行设计的。

    In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system.


  • 中国古代,受儒家理思想宗族制度影响法律意义上权利义务不是以个人而是国家社会为基本对象进行设计的。

    In the traditional China, the right and duty in the legal sense is mainly arranged in the framework between state and society under the influence of Confucianism and patriarchal clan system.


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