• 假定活着现在多大年纪了?

    Assuming (that) he's still alive, how old would he be now?


  • 如果不是今天不会活着

    If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today.


  • 他虽然病情严重,但顽强活着

    Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.


  • 他们已经完全不指望活着了。

    They had relinquished all hope that she was alive.


  • 活着找到他们希望很渺茫。

    There is little hope that they will be found alive.


  • 活着!”狂喜地大喊

    "She's alive!" he shouted triumphantly.


  • 他们仍然线希望活着找到

    There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive.


  • 多个雪崩活着了出来

    More than a dozen people were dug out of the avalanche alive.


  • 真正想要尽可能长久、健康地活着

    What I really want is to live healthily for as long as possible.


  • 经历法国大革命混乱之后仍旧活着

    She lived through the turmoil of the French Revolution.


  • 如此活着人类尊严的一种侮辱

    It's an affront to human dignity to keep someone alive like this.


  • 朋友了命,知道自己活着侥幸

    His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive.


  • 活着是为了工作

    She lives for her work.


  • 没有活着找到可能了,于是放弃搜寻

    There was no chance of him being found alive and the search was abandoned.


  • 女儿如果活着这个星期17岁了。

    My daughter would have been 17 this week if she had lived.


  • 活着,是吗?

    He's still alive, isn't he?


  • 罗伯特父亲没有放弃可能活着希望

    She and Robert's father had not given up hope that he might be alive.


  • 阿拉斯加的爱斯基摩人认为每个活着动物灵魂

    Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.


  • 他们正在争分夺秒工作,设法人们瓦砾活着救出来。

    They're working against time to try and get people out of the rubble alive.


  • 本人如此信奉自由,以至于宁死也不愿没有自由地活着

    He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it.


  • 我们清楚健康状况怎样,尽管如此我们知道活着

    We've no idea what his state of health is but at least we know he is still alive.


  • 讣文刊登自己的报纸版面上之后发现活着

    His obituary was published in one edition of his own newspaper before it was discovered that he was alive.


  • 妈妈活着时候绝不会这样令人厌恶的人说话的。

    She never would have even spoken to scum like him when Mom was alive.


  • 估计,现今全世界活着的被割除了阴蒂妇女数量大约为9000万至1亿。

    An estimated number of 90 to 100 million women around the world living today have been circumcised.


  • 活着。”彼得简短地

    "She lives," Peter said briefly.


  • 学习着,成长着。

    You live and you learn and you grow.


  • 活着还是已经死了

    Is she still alive, or has she died?


  • 感觉——我活着

    I almost feel as if—I were alive!


  • 活着真是奇迹

    What a wonder she is still alive!


  • 就是这些活着的。

    I have lived by these words.


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