It was already known that honey contained varying levels of antioxidants, with dark honey having more than light.
想要为浅色头发增添活力,Sheri.D 建议做一壶较浓的柠檬水——只用水和柠檬,不加糖或者蜂蜜。
To add oomph to light-colored hair, Sheri D. suggests making a strong pitcher of lemonade – water and lemon only, no sugar or honey.
Long rows of tables display a cornucopia of cheeses, olives, oils and bright vegetables and fruits, honeys and jams, and of course Marseille soaps.
Honey coated bread is not your favorite breakfast? May wish to use the darker color of honey, rather than light-colored honey.
Honey coated bread is not your favorite breakfast? May wish to use the darker color of honey, rather than light-colored honey.