IllustrationThe most common complaint heard from test engineers is how hard it is to engage effectively in a software development project until very late in the process.
Much of the actual testing is performed by the SWEs, SETs are there to ensure that features are testable and that the SWEs are actively involved in writing test cases.
With BDD, test engineers can conduct testing activities using Rational testing tools before the completion of the software development.
Thus, improving the effectivity and efficiency of testing and reducing the software developing cost becomes one of the urgent tasks for software engineers.
Thus, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of testing and reducing the software developing cost becomes one of the urgent tasks for software engineers.
The Quality Assurance Engineer is responsible for executing the automated tests and manual tests, reporting software defects, and working with software developers to fix them.
That question is echoing up and down the ranks of tools vendors, design engineers, software developers and even among people who measure the performance and efficiency of semiconductors.
That question is echoing up and down the ranks of tools vendors, design engineers, software developers and even among people who measure the performance and efficiency of semiconductors.