Don't look at me like that, I have a good relationship with my mother and she likes to watch those sorts of movies...
You can call it a romantic comedy, for some scenes do make you laugh. But have you thought about the underlying meaning of the movie?
Example genres for "Movie of the Week" scripts are drama, true crime stories and romantic comedies.
The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to j.f..
The baggage carousel mix-up could've been slapstick or the inciting incident of a romantic comedy had the reality not sent her bolting back to J. f.
Yet she doesn't take the bait, switching to romantic comedies so people can see her soft side, crying on Barbara Walter's shoulder.
For me, it's the prototype romantic comedy and a masterclass in storytelling.
JENNIFER ANISTON (Rachel) has had lead role in commercially successful films such as Bruce Almighty, and the romantic comedies Along Came Polly and Marley and Me.
Watching romantic comedies can spoil your love life, a study by a university in Edinburgh has claimed.
DON't be a cliche or put yourself in any situations you've seen in a romantic comedy.
Whenever you meet a handsome, charming, successful man in a romantic comedy, the heroine’s friend always says the same thing: “He’s really successful.
A production assistant at a Beijing production house says that the scripts he reads are almost universally knock-off derivations of Hollywood blockbuster films or mindless romantic comedies.
Just when you thought it might be safe to go back to the multiplex, studio executives have announced plans for a follow-up to this year's critically panned romantic comedy, Valentine's Day.
There will be world premieres for several films with a distinctly local flavor, including director Ivy Ho's opening-night romantic comedy 'Crossing Hennessy,' starring Jacky Cheung and Tang Wei.
If “Wall-E” were a romantic comedy, it would be about a humble garbageman who falls for a supermodel who also happens to be a top scientist with a knack for marksmanship.
In Rob Reiner's romantic comedy, the world (for better of worse) fell in love with her sometimes-annoying mop top-a-tude.
Norwegian singer Sondre Lerche worked with director Peter Hedges on the romantic comedy Dan in Real Life.
英国电影《戈黛娃夫人》是一部拍摄于NottingHill和Bridget Jones之间现代牛津的浪漫喜剧。
The British film Lady Godiva is a romantic comedy shot set in modern day Oxford in the vein of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones.
而布洛克在2009年竟出乎意料地用她的两部电影——《弱点》和浪漫喜剧《求婚》(The Proposal)一举席卷票房(后者全球票房高达3亿美金)。
To everyone's surprise, however, Bullock ruled the 2009 box office with two films: The Blind Side and romantic comedy The Proposal (the latter took $300 million worldwide).
Yet the warm and fuzzy feeling they provide can adversely influence our view of real relationships," said Australian relationship counselor, Gabrielle Morrissey.
Yet the warm and fuzzy feeling they provide can adversely influence our view of real relationships," said Australian relationship counselor, Gabrielle Morrissey.