• 其中40%电能用于老式白炽灯——这是19世纪技术,它所消耗大部分电能浪费制造多余热量上。

    Forty percent of that powers old-fashioned incandescent light bulbs—a 19th-century technology that wastes most of the power it consumes on unwanted heat.


  • 另一方面如果占有时间那么自旋线程只会消耗CPU而不任何有用的工作,因此带来浪费

    On the other hand, if the lock is held for a longer time, spinning is wasteful as the spinning thread consumes CPU without doing anything useful.


  • 因为它浪费大量电力资源消耗电能中有95%是用来发热不是发光

    It wastes huge amounts of electricity, radiating 95% of the energy it consumes as heat rather than light.


  • 我们问题定义就是食物成本不是消费者每周消耗同时我们有商业制度浪费金钱存货清单上。

    We have our problem definition, the defect being the cost of food not consumed by the customer that spoiled per week; and we have our business metric: wasted money on inventory.


  • 如果进行了或者变更那么工作时间消耗时间、浪费的时间以及效率这样的未来状态发生什么变化?

    If one or more changes were instituted, what would the future state look like in terms of total working time, elapsed time, wasted time, and efficiency?


  • 长久以来美国浪费能源消耗十分惊人由于近年来电力燃料的价格十分低廉使得人们很少注意一点。

    America has long been astoundingly wasteful about energy use, but for years, that mattered little because power and fuel were so cheap.


  • 抱怨批评闲聊浪费时间消耗你的精力

    Complaining, criticizing and gossiping is a waste of time and saps your energy.


  • 编码制图消耗时间任务之一所以应该宝贵的玩乐时间浪费一直盯着电脑在那儿磨蹭

    Compiling code and rendering graphics are among the most time-consuming tasks you can perform, so you shouldn't waste precious playtime by watching your computer munch program and video bits.


  • 城镇中兴建农场解决食品行业资源浪费主要问题——食品运输过程消耗燃料、造成的污染还有耗费的时间。

    Urban farms solve the prime source of waste-in fuel, pollutants and time-in the food industry: transportation.


  • 这些数据来源于粮食总产量加上进口的数量,当然还要减去出口浪费以及畜牧业消耗的粮食数量。

    They determined total food grown and imported, minus what was exported, thrown away or used for livestock.


  • 他们认为鸭子天鹅还有其他涉水禽类不能因人类干扰而浪费维生所必需的能量了,在这种天气情况下,它们消耗的能量很难得到补充

    They say ducks, swans, geese and other wading birds cannot afford to waste energy that they cannot readily replace.


  • 这样恶性循环必将生命存在最大消耗浪费

    This vicious cycle of life there is bound to be the largest consumption and waste.


  • 用户完全可能访问站点从来不会访问Web应用程序某些特定部分因此下载这些不会接触部分消耗时间浪费掉了。

    It is very possible that a user could visit your site and never touch certain parts of your Web application, so any time spent downloading those consequently untouched sections is wasted.


  • 塑料袋浪费宝贵的石油资源生产消耗能源加重全球变暖

    Plastic bags waste valuable oil resources and the energy it takes to produce them contributes to global warming.


  • 减少浪费最大限度地减少排放量消耗较少的自然资源就是更清洁生产

    Production is cleaner when it reduces waste, minimizes emissions and consumes fewer natural resources.


  • 不要消耗浪费生命积累那些会化作尘土灰烬的东西。

    Don't spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that woll only turn to dust and ashes.


  • 不要消耗浪费生命积累那些化作尘土灰烬的东西。

    Don't spend and waste your lives accumulating objects that will only turn to dust and ashes.


  • 目的减少透析器复用灭菌剂伦拿连浪费降低灭菌剂的消耗成本

    Objective To decrease the wastage of renalin in the repeated use of dialyzers and lower the cost and consumption of renalin.


  • 比特构成支付网络的价值远大于挖矿所消耗电费使用比特币才是浪费

    The utility of the exchanges made possible by Bitcoin will far exceed the cost of electricity used. Therefore, not having Bitcoin would be the net waste.


  • 通过成本核算进行详细分析管理层清晰地理清脉络寻找控制成本途径从而优化成本管理减少不必要的消耗浪费

    Based on a detailed analysis of cost accounting data, GIS-thread management can clearly find a way to control costs thereby optimizing cost management, reduce unnecessary consumption and waste.


  • 最好不要大肆浪费。改进程度资源消耗程度的比例最好能加以控制。

    CPU time is always in short supply for spring so make sure that you dont waste them needlessly and that your resource usage is in proportion to the impact of your changes.


  • 不要浪费宝贵精力谈论八卦消耗能量,谈论过去负面思惟或是不能控制事物上。

    Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.


  • 但是,在天然气水蒸汽重整制合成气过程中需要消耗四分之一以上的天然气供给反应热量能量消耗大,造成资源的巨大浪费

    But it is an energy consuming and resource wasting process. More than one fourth of the natural gas must be burned to generate heat for the steam reforming of the raw material.


  • 虽然关于担心重演七十年代浪费声音仍余音绕梁,时代已不同了,大多数的资金消耗私人公司完成,他们更多着眼于客户需求不是国家的要求。

    There are worrying echoes of the wasteful 1970s. But this time round, more of the spending is being done by private companies, with an eye to consumer demand, rather than by states.


  • 虽然关于担心重演七十年代浪费声音仍余音绕梁,时代已不同了,大多数的资金消耗私人公司完成,他们更多着眼于客户需求不是国家的要求。

    There are worrying echoes of the wasteful 1970s. But this time round, more of the spending is being done by private companies, with an eye to consumer demand, rather than by states.


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