Now that telecoms is thriving again, Temasek seems no longer as welcome.
Aside from directing, he currently teaches and lectures in Raffles Girls' School and Temasek Polytechnic.
Temasek. The fish tail tells that in the begin ning Singapore is a fishing village.
Temasek has also had trouble in Indonesia, over stakes in two telecoms companies bought by firms majority-owned by Temasek.
A third of Temasek's staff are expatriates but since its creation in 1974, it has never been led by a foreigner.
Temasek said Ho Ching, its current chief executive, will remain CEO for the foreseeable future.
He won plaudits for his stint at BHP Billiton and has a deep knowledge of commodities, in which Temasek is underweight.
The other, Tana Africa Capital, is a joint venture with Singapore's sovereign-wealth fund, Temasek, and invests in the rest of Africa.
The chief executives of PepsiCo, Anglo American, Temasek, Kraft Foods, WellPoint, and Areva all remain in the Forbes top 10.
Investors like Temasek profit handsomely when forced sellers like AIG come to market in these difficult times.
A third of Temasek’s staff are expatriates but since its creation in 1974, it has never been led by a foreigner.
淡马锡控股公司(Temasek Holdings)拥有渣打银行17.7%的股份,将参与此次股票认购。
Temasek Holdings Pte, which owns a 17.7 percent stake, will subscribe to its portion of the sale.
淡马锡执行董事伊斯雷尔(Simon Israel)说,谢福华的职责远不止寻找何晶的潜在继任者。
Simon Israel, an executive director at Temasek, said Mr. Hsieh's 'mandate is much broader' than looking at potential successors to Ms.
Those gains narrowed to 7 percent in the year ended March, from 27 percent the year before, its latest annual report showed.
By using a fuel cell test system in fuel cell Application Centre of Temasek Polytechnic, the transient electrical response of PEMFC was observed and investigated.
From 1998 to 2011, Sylvia was a full-time lecturer with Temasek Polytechnic where she taught and researched civil and criminal procedure, criminal justice and private security.
Yet Temasek's overall performance has been merely mediocre rather than abysmal-the 37% drop in dollar terms over eight months is exactly in line with the MSCI world share index.
这份声明帮助平息了市场的猜测。 投资者此前以为,淡马锡的减持行动与该公司担心中行在美国次级抵押贷款方面的风险敞口有关。
The statement helped calm market speculation that the sale was linked to worries over the Chinese bank's exposure to US subprime mortgages.
It dumped $4.4 billion into Merrill last December at $48 per share, but a downside protection clause meant the firm would make money even if the stock plunged to $24.
高盛是厚朴的投资者之一,其他的投资者还包括新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings Pte . Ltd .)。
Goldman is an investor in Hopu, along with Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd., the Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund.
高盛是厚朴的投资者之一,其他的投资者还包括新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡控股(Temasek Holdings Pte . Ltd .)。
Goldman is an investor in Hopu, along with Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd., the Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund.