• 双方中印关系重大地区和国际问题坦诚、深入交换意见

    The two sides had frank and in-depth exchange of views on China-India relations and major regional and international issues.


  • 双方将就双边关系以及共同关心问题深入交换意见

    The two sides will have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and issues of common interest.


  • 双方将就中俄关系以及共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见

    The two sides will have in-depth exchange of views on China-Russia relations as well as international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 双方主要关系共同关心地区和国际问题深入交换意见

    The two sides will exchange in-depth views on the bilateral relations and the regional and international issues of common concern.


  • 领导人将就双边关系共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见

    Leaders of both sides will have an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations as well as international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 三国外长深化三国合作共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见达成重要共识

    The ministers exchanged in-depth views on deepening trilateral cooperation and on international and regional issues of common concern, and reached important consensus.


  • 双方双边关系共同关心国际地区问题坦诚、深入交换意见达成重要共识

    The two sides sincerely exchanged in-depth views and reached important consensus on the bilateral relations and the regional and international issues of common concern.


  • 领导人将就深化双边关系共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见

    They will have in-depth exchange of views on how to deepen bilateral relations as well as international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 会晤期间,三国外长将就共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见推动三方务实合作

    During the meeting, the foreign ministers will have an in-depth exchange of views on international and regional issues of common interest, with a view to promoting trilateral pragmatic cooperation.


  • 双方将就深化双边关系各领域务实合作以及共同关心国际地区问题深入交换意见

    The two sides will have an in-depth exchange of views on how to deepen bilateral relations and practical cooperation across the board as well as international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 吉拉德,我此次访华中方广泛领域合作深入交换意见签署了多项新的合作协议

    Gillard said that during her current visit, she exchanged in-depth views with the Chinese side on cooperation in a wide range of areas and both sides signed several new cooperation agreements.


  • 相信通过这次东亚峰会东亚地区国家能够就共同关心问题深入交换意见有力推动地区合作

    We believe through this summit, the East Asian countries will make an in-depth exchange of views on the issues of common interest and thus strongly push forward the cooperation in the region.


  • 我们中巴关系共同关心问题深入交换意见,就加强双方领域互利友好合作达成重要共识

    We have had in-depth discussion on China-Brazil relations and issues of Shared interest, and reached important agreement on enhancing our mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields.


  • 中法两领导人就进一步加强法全面战略伙伴关系,以及共同关心双边和国际地区问题广泛深入交换意见

    They will have an in-depth exchange of views on ways to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership and bilateral, international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 一会儿第二范围会谈当中双方将就共同关心重大国际问题坦诚深入交换意见

    The two sides will exchange in-depth views in a frank manner on the major international issues of common concern at the second round of large-scale meeting very soon.


  • 双方将就中印关系共同关心国际地区问题广泛深入交换意见

    They will engage in extensive and in-depth exchange of views on China-India relations and international and regional issues of common interest.


  • 双方将就中印关系共同关心国际地区问题广泛深入交换意见

    They will engage in extensive and in-depth exchange of views on China-India relations and international and regional issues of common interest.


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