To add components to the assembly diagram, complete the following steps
Software specialists focus on adding components on top of the operating system.
Each time you add a component, you wire it into the needed information source.
The following steps describe the changes required to add components to customize shelf.
Another advantage is that components can be added to this library as the business expands.
Add the component baselines (which you just imported), as shown in Figure 9.
It is this content pane that you use to set the layout manager and add components to, as shown in Figure 1.
Instead, you can add the component and then attach the constraints separately.
You can also add Components to the instance, which will not be attached to mesh file itself.
Add widgets to your wireframe by dragging widgets from the widgets pane onto the wireframe.
Widgets are added to the wireframe by dragging them from the Widgets pane to the wireframe.
添加组件的窗口使用portlet 的惟一ID将它添加到位置。
The window that adds the component uses the portlet’s unique ID to add it into the place.
Command line tools: start building fast, add components and tests, then instantly deploy.
You can then click search and use the right pane to search and add components to your NIEM subset.
Note that Flex doesn't add a component directly to this list; several intermediate steps occur before that happens.
I can keep it as simple as I need it to be and add components to suit my exact scenario in more complex situations.
This is usually through pure configuration, adding pages, adding widgets to pages, configuring widgets, etc.
您可能知道,并不直接向J Frame添加组件,而是将组件添加到它的内容面板。
As you may know, you don't add things directly to a JFrame, but instead to its content panel.
You can't just add the component n pixels over; you actually must add the padding to the edge of the earlier component.
Therefore, component add and remove events are not raised when a component is added to or removed from a nested container.
See the Lotus Quickr wiki article, "adding components to customize shelf: qp85," for more details about adding custom components to customize shelf.
FloatingDock类的目标是模拟Windows 的任务栏,它既允许在上面添加组件,也允许把自己停靠在屏幕的某个区域上。
The FloatingDock class aims to mimic the Windows Taskbar, by both allowing components to be added to it and by docking itself to a region of the screen.
To add the component to the palette, right-click it in the page navigator on the left and select the add component to the palette option as shown in figure 5.
IBMSOA是可互操作和完全模块化的,允许您在“随时构建(build -as - you - go)”的基础上选择组件,解决了随时间出现的需要添加组件的新需求。
IBM SOA is interoperable and fully modular allowing you to select components on a build-as-you-go basis adding components as new requirements are addressed over time.
第一个阶段是提交,该阶段在Flex使用addChild()或它在DisplayObject类中的变体之一向主显示列表(此后称为 “阶段”)添加组件时发生。
The first phase, commit, occurs when Flex adds a component to the main display list (hereafter referred to as "stage") using addChild() or one of its variants in the DisplayObject class.
Now that we have talked about the default internationalization support in Spring Roo, let's write an i18n add-on that can add Hindi language support.
New capabilities have been added to additional components, including business rules, business state machines, and the relationship service.
Add enough add-on features and you can reduce the viewing window to a size of a postage stamp, but there is probably no better overall browser.
Add enough add-on features and you can reduce the viewing window to a size of a postage stamp, but there is probably no better overall browser.