Before we can change the world, however, we need something much more basic: you to play a game.
They believed, correctly it turns out, that their designers could drop a game-changing phone into the market and "change the world" again.
We're trying to level the playing field by empowering individuals to change the world.
She makes her unconventional case in a new book, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World (Penguin Press).
For this to be useful, however, we need some way for our script to see into the game world and check for conditions that might alter our AI behavior.
具体信息在阿姆斯特丹的活动中被披露。 当时在现场的英国5频道《新鲜小玩意》的主持JonathanRoss和OrtisDeley惊叹3DS彻底的改变了游戏世界。
Details were announced at an event in Amsterdam fronted by Jonathan Ross and Ortis Deley of Channel 5's The Gadget Show, who described it as a 'complete and utter game changer'.
You watch — the nations that offer to arbitrate are the ones that think they should rule the world, and this is just one more move in the game.
It's good that the Lead World Designer's wishes won't really change the way the game is presented.
What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
Others have written about how the game can be habit-forming and change how we think about the world around us — a notion that's now referred to as the "Tetris effect."
14 new game play modes let you experiment with real life diseases, significantly alter the world and more!
It's also good that he's interested in adapting his way of work in favour of the game, keeping with the same tone, instead of pushing for changes to the gameplay previously established.
Personally I think the game-changer is going out and recognising our brand globally.
A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.
Football changes, the world goes on but the rules always remain the same.
She makes her unconventional case in a new book, Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World ( Penguin Press).
随着越来越多的人登录游戏并花时间在一个人造经济体中寻找乐趣,这是否真的会像卡斯特罗诺瓦在新书《向虚拟世界的大迁徙》(Exodus tothe Virtual World)中认为的那样,改变这个世俗世界?
As many more people log on and spend time having fun in a synthetic economy, will that really change the mundane world, as Castronova argues in a new book, Exodus to the Virtual World?
随着越来越多的人登录游戏并花时间在一个人造经济体中寻找乐趣,这是否真的会像卡斯特罗诺瓦在新书《向虚拟世界的大迁徙》(Exodus tothe Virtual World)中认为的那样,改变这个世俗世界?
As many more people log on and spend time having fun in a synthetic economy, will that really change the mundane world, as Castronova argues in a new book, Exodus to the Virtual World?