到滚筒式砂光机为下一个步骤: (淡出)您将想要真正地小心在这步,因为它是弓力量的一个非常重要部分,并且怎么弓运作。
Off to the drum sander for the next step: (the fadeout) You will want to really be careful on this step as it is a very important part of the bows strength and how the bow works.
到滚筒式砂光机为下一个步骤: (淡出)您将想要真正地小心在这步,因为它是弓力量的一个非常重要部分,并且怎么弓运作。
Off to the drum sander for the next step: (the fadeout) You will want to really be careful on this step as it is a very important part of the bows strength and how the bow works.