He can file the tax return on the place of performance, or the performance company can withhold the tax when it pays salary to the actor.
Stay here, we have a guest flat for visiting theatre companies, stay here for a few days.
The taxable income is computed as gross income less expense paid to performance place, performance company, and the agent. The ax rate is 3%.
The tax-able income is calculated as gross income minus the expense paid to the performance place, the performance company and the agent. The tax rate is 3%.
But according to the mother, she just booked a prank from a show company and it was the company's fault to send a wrong performer.
City · culture - Chongqing impression exhibition as an important part is organized by Chongqing performance company.
Nearly 20 years of performing experience, more than 30 professional engineers. The most active in guangdong port Australia Taiwan's ceremony organizing performance company.
A British theater company has dropped the word hunchback from its stage adaptation of the classic novel the hunchback of Notre Dame to avoid offending disabled people, newspapers reported.
Paul Gongaware is the CEO of AEG Live that was in charge of planning Michael Jackson's 2009 London farewell concert.
Ticketmaster and Live Nation will merge to create a giant company focused on live performance, the healthiest bit of the music business.
Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.
One evening the company arranged a formal dinner after the play.
The show will be simulcast on NBC, Fox and a number of cable networks.
The next day, Fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.
The firm has turned “High School Musical”, for instance, into a live concert tour, a stage musical, a show on ice, and a series of books and video games.
I would urge every company to stop doing this unless it's tryouts for a dance recital or a singing contest.
Their previous album releases also surged into the top 50 on the back of their festival performance, according to the Official Charts Company.
“Billie Jean, ” he says in “Moon Walk, ” still had no dance component the night before he was scheduled to perform it in honor of Motown’s twenty-fifth anniversary.
The town shows its Disney heritage in annual seasonal shows, each with special effects originally designed by the entertainment company.
在我抵达她生产公司办公室时她在通话。 她反复不停地和对方探讨即将演出的影片《关于斯蒂夫的一切》的一些主意。
When I arrived at her production company’s offices, she got on the phone and began tossing around ideas for her upcoming movie, All About Steve, which she was producing.
Ever the negotiator, he ensured that SkyBridge got on-screen publicity as the sponsor of a gala attended by Gordon Gekko, the film's main character.
He says that each place has helped him acquire the skill he needed to start his own business translating documents to and from Chinese and managing artists and musicians.
Thanks to the low cost of this concert and the sponsorship secured by the album firm, thousands of tickets were offered free of charge.
销售专辑的收入以及通过准许将杰克逊的音乐用于视频游戏、电影和戏院演出等所产生的特许收入将冲抵索尼公司预先支付的款 项。
The advances being paid by Sony are to be offset by sales of albums as well as revenue generated by licensing Mr. Jackson's music for uses like videogames, movies and theatrical performances.
Some live-music events have also introduced a crude version of airline-style pricing, in which tickets become more expensive over time.
该公司每周向当地传送十几个小时的电视节目(像米奇俱乐部(MickeyMouse Clubhouse)),他的百老汇剧组在其他的演出中巡回演出《狮子王》。
The company delivers about a dozen hours of television programming (" Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ") to local stations each week, and its Broadway unit has toured "the Lion King," among other shows.
Mr. Cowell’s company, Syco, also makes millions from the albums and tour appearances by the singers who appear on his shows.
After he served in the army, Berlin returned to New York. He formed his own music publishing company. He also established a theater for his musical shows near Broadway.
After he served in the army, Berlin returned to New York. He formed his own music publishing company. He also established a theater for his musical shows near Broadway.