Because of this potential problem, I routinely obtain prone scans.
关于Actify Centro的探讨让我思考其他潜在的可能性。
Actify Centro discussion made me think about potential alternatives.
But he left a possibility for the more moderate Fatah faction to persuade Hamas to change its mind.
In addition, these research results provide some Suggestions on diagnosing potential fracture reorientation and eliminating the effect during hydraulic fracturing treatment.
Noone in the right mind would change their citizenship if one could not see some great benefits and potentials from obtaining such status.
If you're building the game on PC, you can think about how it's going to potentially apply to console games, or cellular, or arcade.
Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the likelihood of a better price.
And that raises the possibility of more provocations - and potential miscalculations - ahead.
We know that climate models predict a much more uncertain climate for world agriculture, with potentially devastating down-side possibilities.
But there are complicating factors, including the potential for international disputes as Asian countries try to manage their exchange rates.
A: at that time, there was no generally recognized rating system to describe the potential for a pandemic.
But as sea ice forms later and melts earlier, hungry polar bears will be forced to spend more time ashore and may be more likely to encounter humans, with potentially disastrous consequences.
However, our pandemic potential scale reflects the likelihood of a pandemic and not its severity.
Like others, Cisco sees the potential to save a lot of money and energy use for lots of companies by implementing utility computing.
Saying that "I can't" do something has a profound effect on my beliefs about what is possible. It can limit my potential or empower me with possibilities.
If EFS is not enabled, the potential of having the data exposed between the three departments is extremely high.
UNEP is currently discussing with potential donors and local partners the possibility of up-scaling project results in South East Asia, Latin America, and other regions.
Once the threats are cataloged they can be assessed and classified according to probability of occurrence and potential impact.
"By a number of measures underlying inflation has trended down over the past two years," Bernanke said without discussing the chance of deflation.
America's recovery faces the headwind of expiring fiscal stimulus at a time when underlying inflation has already slipped to around 1%; outright deflation cannot be ruled out.
Use case implementation opens the door to even more sophisticated and potentially efficient test-prioritization methods.
Nowhere in the report does she consider the possibility that the data she is using may be corrupted by the underlying biases, assumptions or slapdash paperwork of overworked police officers.
This will result in PHP reporting a warning every time an uninitialized variable is used, each bad file access, and other (mostly) harmless errors, but might also represent a potential attack vector.
The certification step builds on the effort already undertaken during the service identification around reuse and due diligence in identification of potential service consumers.
And if we consider other, potentially more telling outcomes-such as mortality-will metabolically healthy obese individuals still be considered healthy?
This patented device enables Apple to secretly collect, store and potentially use sensitive biometric information about you.
This patented device enables Apple to secretly collect, store and potentially use sensitive biometric information about you.