• 现代灌溉设备日喷水可以达到四百五十万,从而形成一种群岛一样的几何圆形绿色农田所构成的景观

    Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 4,5 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops.


  • 现代灌溉设备喷水可以达到四百五十万,从而形成种像群岛一样的几何圆形绿色农田所构成的景观

    Modern irrigation devices, each capable of spraying 4.5 million liters of water a day, have produced a landscape dominated by geometric patterns of circular green islands of crops.


  • 我国节水灌溉设备需求量广阔的大市场

    There is a great demand and market for water saving irrigation equipment.


  • 目前旱情严重的各个省份都在全力以赴使用新的技术灌溉设备等缓解水源紧缺抗击干旱

    Authorities are currently in drought-stricken areas making all-out efforts, including using new technology and irrigation equipment to alleviate the water shortage and fight against the drought.


  • 布克瑞兹奥瑞斯特灌溉设备公司主要制造销售灌溉设备制造检验瓶子瓶盖

    ORESTIS BOUKOURAS S. A. is active in the production and distribution of irrigation equipment as well as in the production of plastic caps for PET water bottles.


  • 农民提供他们获得丰收必需良种灌溉设备以及化肥可以部分解决非洲饥饿问题。

    Hunger in Africa will be solved partly by helping farmers get the improved seeds, water pumps and soil nutrients they need for a good harvest.


  • 项目采用国际专业绿化灌溉系统引进先进的绿化灌溉设备制度保障全区植物需求

    This project USES the international specialized afforestation irrigation system, introduces the advanced afforestation irrigation plant and the system safeguards the entire district the plant demand.


  • 一位当地农夫乔治瑞多,仍然保存鸽子,并底层储存灌溉设备,还照顾鸽子屋的土地范围。

    Resident and farmer Giorgos Rigos continues to preserve his pigeon house, storing irrigation equipment on the ground floor and tending to the grounds surrounding his structure.


  • 德国技术合作公司也门地区董事迈克尔克林格为了制造粘土灌溉设备建造了座烘干。 后来发现粘土灌溉设备市场太小了。

    Michael Klinger, the former country director of the GTZ in Yemen, built a kiln with the intention of making clay irrigation equipment, the market for which proved to be too small.


  • 保持理想远程应用连续供电设备不能使用灌溉系统

    Magnetic Latching - Ideal for remote applications where continuously powered devices can't be used, such as irrigation systems.


  • 灌水器滴灌系统关键设备性能优劣直接决定灌溉质量滴灌工程的造价

    Emitter is the most important equipment in drip irrigation system. Its capability directly influences the quality and cost of drip irrigation.


  • 利用这种提灌设备可以解决梯田灌溉问题

    This kind of pump drainage irrigation equipment can help achieve the irrigation of terraced fields.


  • 排灌机械是指用于农牧业排水灌溉各种机械设备

    Draining and irrigating machinery refers to various kinds of drainage and irrigation machinery and equipment for agriculture and animal husbandry.


  • 当时,创建约翰迪尔公司放在母公司农业草坪部门,该部门只是专门进行农场机械方面的产品营销而不是农场灌溉设备销售专业部门。

    Thee newly created John Deere Water was put under the parent company's agriculture and turf division and marketing was given over to a sales force specializing in farm equipment not irrigation.


  • 试验表明这种灌水方法可行,无压灌溉系统任何动力设备为其提供压力,节约能源

    Irrigation needs no power, and it can save cost and energy sources. The results indicate the feasibility of the method.


  • 设备空调系统热水澡电力灌溉交界处管道排水渠甚至停车视图中隐藏弱视砖石重音加强地区

    Equipment such as air conditioning units, hot tubs, electrical and irrigation junctions, piping and drains, even parking areas can be hidden from view or visually enhanced by using masonry accents.


  • 针对丘陵地区经济作物节水关键技术设备研制课题需要解决需水信息采集作物灌溉模型的问题。

    According to hilly areas of economic crops for water-saving technologies and equipment Research, which need to get water demanding information and crop irrigation model.


  • 本文系统阐述我国喷灌设备生产水平,喷灌技术的节水效果影响灌溉效率因素

    This paper addressed the sprinkler equipments supply in China and water saving effect, as well as the affecting factors in the irrigation efficiency.


  • 本文系统阐述我国喷灌设备生产水平,喷灌技术的节水效果影响灌溉效率因素

    This paper addressed the sprinkler equipments supply in China and water saving effect, as well as the affecting factors in the irrigation efficiency.


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