• 灵长类动物学家珍骨德观察到黑猩猩瀑布放弃大雨出现跳舞

    Both he and primatologist Jane Goodall have observed chimpanzees dancing with total abandon at waterfalls that emerge after heavy rains.


  • 例如灵长类动物学家确定黑猩猩野外是否合作如果合作,合作的程度怎样

    Primatologists aren't sure, for example, if chimpanzees collaborate in the wild or, if they do, how much.


  • 研究员马修坎贝尔著名灵长类动物学家弗朗兹得瓦尔研究了分为两个不同猩23大猩猩

    Researchers Matthew Campbell and renowned primatologist Franz de Waal studied 23 chimpanzees who live in two separate groups.


  • 研究员马修坎贝尔著名灵长类动物学家弗朗兹得瓦尔研究了分为两个不同猩23大猩猩

    Researchers Matthew Campbell and renowned primatologist Franz DE Waal, studied 23 chimpanzees who live in two separate groups.


  • 所以,托马塞洛在麦克斯·普朗克同事灵长类动物学家里斯托夫·伯施,就开始了在野外需找证据

    So Tomasello's Max Planck colleague primatologist Christophe Boesch looked for evidence of altruism in the wild.


  • 现在艾莫利大学灵长类动物学维多利亚·霍纳,曾对Ngamba岛上保护区里的一批黑猩猩过研究。

    Primatologist Victoria Horner, at Emory University, has worked with the same chimpanzees at Ngamba Island Sanctuary.


  • 德国灵长类动物学家DanaPfefferle观察过短尾猿,计算猿的喊叫骨盆大力冲刺次数

    German primatologist Dana Pfefferle watched a group of macaques, counting the females \ \ \ 'yells and the males \ \ \' pelvic thrusts.


  • 但是史蒂夫·罗斯(林肯动物灵长类动物学家)进一步研究这种行为,他发现有关大猩猩排序能力学习的研究数据存在

    But Steve Ross, a primatologist at Lincoln Park Zoo, wanted to explore this behaviour further and found that there were no data on sequential learning in gorillas.


  • 尽管已是77高龄,灵长类动物学家珍·古道尔一当中有超过300奔波于世界各地,为难民营带去希望,向儿童推广自然保育

    Even at age 77, 1 primatologist Jane Goodall travels the world more than 300 days each year to offer hope in 2 refugee camps and promote conservation among children.


  • 作者之一,乔治亚大学灵长类动物学家桃乐丝•弗拉·格斯,巴西一个私人自然保护区研究卷尾猴,看来此文的确够专业。

    One of the authors of the article was Dorothy Fragaszy, a University of Georgia primatologist who was studying the capuchins at a private nature preserve in Brazil.


  • 埃默里大学著名灵长类动物学法兰斯·瓦尔认为只是猫科类,甚至老鼠也能表达恻隐之心以及其他情感消息来源科技美国】。

    Frans B.M. DE Waal, a noted primatologist at Emory University, says that a variety of animals — not just cats or dogs, but even rats — feel empathy and other emotions [Source: Scientific American].


  • 许多热心人士都认为大脚怪真实存在的,尽管目前并没有任何证据使灵长类动物学相信。 灵长类动物学家研究灵长类动物的,例如人类

    Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isn’t any evidence that would be convincing to a primatologist– a scientist who studies primates, such as apes and humans.


  • 许多热心人士都认为大脚怪真实存在的,尽管目前没有任何证据使灵长类动物学相信。灵长类动物学家研究灵长类动物的,例如人类

    Plenty of enthusiasts believe Bigfoot is real, though there isn't any evidence that would be convincing to a primatologist - a scientist who studies primates, such as apes and humans.


  • 而且灵长类动物学家博士导师罗伯特•塞法尔斯评论说,学家希望他们工作能得以复制他们的工作禁得起时间考验唯一方式

    Moreover, scientists want their work to be replicated; it is the only way it will stand the test of time, observes Robert Seyfarth, a primatologist and Dr Hauser’s former mentor.


  • 德·瓦尔博士是一灵长类动物学家已经研究灵长类动物合作行为很长时间了,而且认为他们的侵略行为也是他所研究的东西,常常会被高估人类动机

    Dr. de Waal, a primatologist, has long studied the cooperative side of primate behavior and believes that aggression, which he has also studied, is often overrated as a human motivation.


  • 本周享有盛誉的的灵长类动物学古德(Jane Goodall)督促欧盟一些促进其他治疗途径的工作,并且主张为动物实验替代设立块诺贝尔奖牌

    This week, the renowned primatologist Dr Jane Goodall urged the EU to do more to promote other routes to cures. She advocated a Nobel Prize for alternatives to animal testing.


  • 本周享有盛誉的的灵长类动物学古德(Jane Goodall)督促欧盟一些促进其他治疗途径的工作,并且主张为动物实验替代设立块诺贝尔奖牌

    This week, the renowned primatologist Dr Jane Goodall urged the EU to do more to promote other routes to cures. She advocated a Nobel Prize for alternatives to animal testing.


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