Implementing plans for failover mechanisms, business continuity, and disaster recovery.
The information presented here is applicable to any data center and disaster recovery plan.
Web applications centralize data storage and thereby simplify disaster recovery plans.
The combination of electronic systems and water also complicates disaster recovery planning (DRP).
You still need a reliable backup, restore and disaster recovery plan in place for such events.
Many don't realize, however, that they should still prepare a disaster recovery plan for that infrastructure.
Routinely exercise disaster recovery plans to ensure that they work and that personnel are familiar with them.
Make appropriate changes to disaster recovery plans based on lessons learned from exercises.
Any system changes should always be evaluated as to whether they will require some changes to the disaster recovery plans.
To get started on your disaster recovery plan, you need to have a second physical location that can run your server image.
Preparation of Network Lifecycle Plans, including Capacity, Spares, Security and Disaster Recovery Plans.
"We agreed that we didn't need a Disaster Recover Plan for such a small project," Marilyn says.
The disaster recovery exercise also gives your operation another benefit: You now have a ready-to-run, complete, and up-to-date testing environment.
To ensure that the corporate infrastructure system to the normal operation, to develop the disaster and recovery plan for infrastructure system and to implement.
这两个部分(备份映像和反映备份之后的所有更改的日志)是DB 2灾难恢复计划的基础构建块。
These two pieces (the backup image and the logs representing all work since the backup) are the fundamental building blocks of a DB2 disaster recovery plan.
Node name and host name conflicts (conflicts between existing systems in the disaster recovery site and the new systems being implemented under the disaster recovery plan).
Non-availability of business data may pose a high risk to any business and hence, data backup is an essential component in any business continuity or disaster-recovery plans.
When Y2K was upon us, computing as we knew it made major changes-people invested massively in mitigation efforts and in disaster recovery plans.
Information security management includes security risk assessment, security policy formulation, disaster recovery planning and to ensure the effectiveness of these policies.
The company should have a written contingency plan to protect its it systems, which includes a full it disaster recovery plan to prepare for any unforeseen incidents.
It is very pivotal to use quantitive and accurate disaster recovery planning (DRP) to select the best set of sub disaster recovery plans and control the disaster recovery activities.
Clearly, a Disaster Recovery plan is not optional even in the Cloud, and Architecture is and will remain essential for building Cloud-based solutions, this is not new.
许多使用PowerHASystemMirror 的客户会定期从生产节点切换到备份节点,这些技术让他们对自己的灾难恢复计划更加有信心。
Many customers using PowerHA SystemMirror switch from production to backup regularly, giving them added confidence in their disaster recovery plans.
她将她的需求告诉了业务部门,但是他们拒绝在没有针对她所在公司的灾难恢复计划(Disaster Recovery Plan,一种非rup工作产品)的情况下配置应用。
She sends a request to the operations department, but they refuse to deploy the application without a Disaster Recovery Plan (a non-RUP work product) that is specific to her organization.
The documentation repository is also a key component of any business continuity plan and provides the basis of all training, support, maintenance, and disaster recovery efforts.
While you cannot plan for every disaster, many of the recovery procedures overlap.
Planning for a disaster recovery became a very important issue after Amazon's S3 and EC2 suffered a three-hour outage in the early part of 2008.
Planning for a disaster recovery became a very important issue after Amazon's S3 and EC2 suffered a three-hour outage in the early part of 2008.