East China furnace industry is a company specializing in the production of heat treatment equipment company.
Then gives a reference to new-made heat treatment equipment or to the reformed ones.
The catenary suspension furnace for quenching and tempering of the crankshafts has been successfully developed, and thus main heat treatment equipment has been renewed.
Fluidized—bed furnace is a new type device for heat treatment, which utilises fluidization technology for moving solid particles in a state of suspension by the action of gases.
During induction heat treating of pump tube, quenching machine tool plays a key role to fulfill the required properties.
Temperature Indicators, Simple and Easy-To-Use, Perfect for use in furnace equipment, heat-treating equipment and industrial testing equipment.
This article introduces the investigation results of European heat treatment equipment and commercial heat treatment plants organized by China H. T. Assocition in this year.
It is considered that zero soaking heating technology for traditional heating temperature is realizability and possibility.
This paper analyses the existent problems and introduces the application of the advanced technology by investigating the actuality of heat-treatment equipment in heavy machinery industry.
As a key private enterprise specialized in manufacturing intermediate and high frequency smelting equipments as well as equipments of thermal treatment, Zhuzhou Huaneng Technology Co.
Various heat treatment technologies and equipment of domestic clutch sheet steels are introduced, with emphasis on the technologies and equipment for production.
Users will also find a simulation of our newly launched N2K software package, a control, management and networking tool for real-time interaction with heat treating equipment.
It is also a vital appliance in the heat treatment of chain, which is the last working procedure in chain made. The strength and toughness of chain can be influenced by this procedure directly.
This method is safe, economical and easy to adopt with conventional heat treating equipment. Applied to some dies and easily worn-off parts, it can prolong their service life to a great extent.
There is a large landing has a grinder, a large vertical lathe, CNC lathe, bainite isothermal quenching heat treatment production line and other advanced production equipment.
It includes a huge heat-treatment furnace, a crane that lifts hot metal plates without damaging them, and a computer system that can manage the complete flow of work.
Create quality related documents, e. g. inspection work instruction, testing machine work instruction for heat treatment lab and cleanliness lab.
There's not much to be done for preventing the pain (unless you'd like to stop using your devices! ), but there are ways to alleviate it. Hand stretches, massage and hot/cold treatment can help.
本文叙述了我国能源供应短缺、 热处理工艺设备落后和高能耗的现状以及开展节能活动的重要意义。
This article described the energy shortage, the laggardness of the heat treatment equipment, the status of high energy cost and the significance of carrying out energy saving.
前言: 通过一些试验研究和工程实例,介绍采用铬钼钢制造的承压设备,经热处理后对钢材性能的影响。
The effect of postwelding heat treatment on property of pressure equipment made of Cr-Mo steel has been interpreted thorough some research and practical examples.
Some typical questions in connection with Standard and Manufacture and deals with heat treating in chemical equipment design have been discussed in this paper.
The induction heating equipment and heat treatment process of thick-wall pipe were reconstructed.
Heat treatment process, equipment and technical problems of needle are introduced. Methods and countermeasures to solve the problem are put forward.
New forged austempering technology is used in steel spade heat treating for energy-saving and the quality of the treated spade is guaranteed in a retrofitted equipment.
This article describes the forging's forming technological method which include the equipment choosing, die designing, forging process and heat- treatment, etc.
Above mentioned equipments have been simply introduced, and development trend of vacuum heat treatment technology has been put forward in this paper.
Above mentioned equipments have been simply introduced, and development trend of vacuum heat treatment technology has been put forward in this paper.