• 热水清洗干净可以了。

    You put it with hot water after clean can be used.


  • 把它热水清洗干净就可以用了。

    It would take more than hot water, I'll tell you that.


  • 每个星期60摄氏度热水清洗床单

    Hot wash (at 60 degrees c) sheets, duvet covers and pillowcases once a week.


  • 完牙热水清洗牙刷将刷头朝上放在水杯中风干

    After brushing, rinse your toothbrush with hot water and stand it up in a water glass to air-dry.


  • 使用建议每周热水清洗延长产品使用寿命。

    After use, suggested by hot water cleaning, a week to prolong the service life of the product.


  • 宣布,我分别颜色白人学习热水清洗奥秘

    I declare, I'll separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes.


  • 宣布,我将分别颜色白人学习热水清洗奥秘

    I declare, Ill separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes.


  • 防止真菌污染面包的容器至少星期热水清洗谨慎地使其干燥

    To help prevent mold, the bread container should be cleaned with hot water at least once a week and carefully dried.


  • 伸手发胀太阳穴有人抓住托着她的她放入盆里热水清洗

    She held out her hand to knead swell to ache temple, suddenly feel someone grabbed her by the hand, lifting her back, bring her into copper bowl with hot water to clean.


  • 塞德曼建议用热水过氧化混合清洗一下耳朵湿布或毛巾覆盖手指轻轻清洗外耳

    Seidman recommends a mix of hot water and cool hydrogen peroxide in the ear, or covering your finger with a damp washcloth and gently cleaning the outer ear.


  • 热水一个水龙头满一个浴缸,然后躺浴缸中,清洗放松

    A person fills a bathtub with hot water from a single faucet and settles into the bathtub to cleanse and relax.


  • 如果美国所有家庭都把洗衣机热水洗涤模式,切换成温水洗涤冷水清洗模式,可以节省相当于10万桶石油产生能量

    If all the households in the U.S. switched from hot-hot cycle to warm-cold, we could save the energy comparable to 100, 000 barrels of oil a day.


  • 大都会运输署(MTA)近期开始使用太阳能热水清洗地铁我们一起来看一下

    The MTA is recently start using water heating with solar power to clean their subway cars. Let's take a look.


  • 清洗时候最好避免热水

    It's better to avoid hot water when you wash it.


  • 热水系统理清洗漂洗衣服温水清洗,在冷水里漂洗,需要大约3.5能源

    Washing and rinsing your clothes on the hot-water cycle USES 3.5 times more energy than washing in warm water and rising in cold.


  • 燃气热水漏水常见故障热水使用过程注意清洗保养元件老化都会出现热水器漏水情况。

    Leakage of gas water heater is a common fault, the use of water heater, if you do not pay attention to cleaning and maintenance or component aging will appear water heater leakage.


  • 至于发刷梳子被服个人物品,应用热水洗涤剂清洗

    Personal belongings such as brushes, combs, bed linen and clothes should be washed with hot water and detergent.


  • 热水煮沸清洗就是清洗油管放入沸水池中,进行清洗

    Boiling hot water wash is to clean the pipe to be placed in boiling water in the pool, cleaning.


  • 他们每晚都清洗地铁因为隧道中地铁会粘很多灰尘落叶,所以我们热水系统进行清理

    They clean the subway cars every evening, because you know there is a lot of dirt and greens that have been picked up in the tunnel, I think we have to use a hot water system to get rid-off that.


  • 系统单独进行酸洗碱洗热水冲洗工序根据需要编制特定的清洗程序进行全自动清洗

    System can separately carry on pickling, alkaline cleaning, hot water cleaning and other processes, also can be according to requirement to prepare on specific cleaning procedures canfully clean.


  • 紧凑型入门级冷、热水高压清洗价格极具竞争性。非常友好操纵底盘集成油箱高压管附件存储槽

    Competitively priced hot water high pressure cleaner of the compact class. very user - friendly by one - button - operation, chassis with integrated tanks, hose and accessory stowage.


  • 使用适当的部件冷水清洗可以连接室内热水水源,从而变成热水压力清洗

    With the proper components, cold water pressure washers can be connected to your in-house hot water for an economical alternative to purchasing a hot water pressure washer.


  • 人工清洗- - -使人工观察清洗热水内部更加方便

    Hand hole cleanout - provides easy access to the heater interior for inspection and cleaning.


  • 快速热水装置,180 0瓦功率配有金属托架固定抽洗清洗机上,以及一个长3.5用于预热的输水管

    Instant hot water unit, 1800w, complete with metal brackets to fix it and with a 3, 5 meter solution pipe for preheating.


  • 传统清洗工艺中主要分为大类热水煮沸清洗化学清洗高压射流清洗

    In a traditional cleansing process is divided into three categories: water boiling cleaning, chemical cleaning, high pressure water jet cleaning.


  • 爱娃·玛坦:觉得热量食品并不能解决问题,我的脸的厉害,我不能只要点热水辣椒糖浆柠檬?我需要清洗肠胃

    Ava a Marchetta:I don't even think low carb is gonna cut it this morning. I am so bloated. Can I just have hot water and cayenne pepper and maple syrup and lemon? I need to cleanse.


  • 清洗所排出热水进入水箱,可对预热管内冷水进行预热充分地利用余热。

    In the process of cleaning, after the discharged dirty hot water enters into a backwater tank, the hot water can preheat the cold water in a preheating tube and the residual heat is fully utilized.


  • 消费品生产——“Krom对流散热器、“Luch”电散热器、“Pskova电炉、电热水清洗

    Consumer goods production - "Krom" electric convectors, "Luch" electric radiators, "Pskova" electric stoves, electric water heaters, wash stands, etc.


  • 消费品生产——“Krom对流散热器、“Luch”电散热器、“Pskova电炉、电热水清洗

    Consumer goods production - "Krom" electric convectors, "Luch" electric radiators, "Pskova" electric stoves, electric water heaters, wash stands, etc.


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