The altitude of an air burst can be varied to obtain maximum blast effects, maximum thermal effects, desired radiation effects, or a balanced combination of these effects.
The knowledge that I was looking at a thermal image of a gentleman passing gas instantly killed the art print idea for me.
If the burst is shallow enough to penetrate the surface, blast, thermal, and initial nuclear radiation effects will be present, but will be less than for a surface burst of comparable yield.
Adopt far infrared heating and radiation technique to achieve fast drying.
The utility model can be used as the glass plates of windows, doors, roofs, car bodies, and other devices and has special effect on the full total reflecting sun light and heat radiation.
The shielding function of the baffle to the heat radiation coming from pumping direction will directly effect on the various pumping performance.
A 'fly roof' can be used to shade the entire building. It protects the core building from radiant heat and allows cooling breezes to flow beneath it.
A 'fly roof' can be used to shade the entire building. It protects the core building from radiant heat and allows cooling breezes to flow beneath it.