• 我们常用热量单位千卡

    The unit of heat we shall use most frequently is the kilocalorie.


  • 来说,最困难要数英制热量单位了。

    The toughest issue for me was the BTU tax.


  • 美国热量计量单位英国热量单位(Btu)。

    In the United States, heat is measured in British thermal units (Btu).


  • 冷却系统必须分钟带走大约6000英国热量单位热量

    The cooling system has to remove about 60,000 BTU of heat per minute.


  • 他们热量单位转换可用工程单位作为过程控制器记录器输入信号

    They convert units of heat into useable engineering units that serve as input signals for process controllers and recorders.


  • 组织针对当时克林顿发起的BTU(英国热量单位)能源进行了一成功的打击,比如,散播广告、通过媒体曝光、抨击对手。

    The group waged a successful assault on Clinton's proposed B.T.U. tax on energy, for instance, running advertisements, staging media events, and targeting opponents.


  • 围绕扩大天然气传播根据加州上限交易制度明年生效增加至少50美分,至百万英国热量单位的天然气为燃料蒸汽成本

    The spread over natural gas will widen under California's cap and trade system, set to take effect next year, which will add at least 50 cents per million BTUs to the cost of gas-fired steam.


  • 首写字母为大写时用于描述食物热量单位

    Calories with a big "c" are the ones used to describe the amount of energy contained in foods.


  • 电热水壶烧水而且方便不过它们的燃料——来自全国电网——产生单位热量排放的温室气体是自己在家煤气3

    Jug kettles are fast and convenient, but their fuel - electricity from the national grid - produces almost three times more greenhouse gas for each unit of heat than burning gas in the home does.


  • 只要每天需要摄入多少大卡热量,用单位理想体重乘以14便可得到。

    To work out just how many calories you can eat daily, multiply your ideal body weight in pounds by 14.


  • 体型大动物单位体重消耗热量体型的动物更甚至休息时也是如此

    Larger animals tend to use less energy per gram of body mass than smaller ones do, even at rest.


  • 估计,生产单位卡路里热量牛肉需要以上谷物饲料,而且肉类消费的增长会引起谷物需求的乘数效应。

    Producing a single calorie of beef can, by some estimates, require eight or more calories of grain feed, and expanded meat consumption therefore has a multiplier effect on demand for grains.


  • 所有食物除了水之外,都会供应热量这些热量我们身体所需要现时所有热量计算单位是卡路里。

    This is the number of calories your body would need, while at rest, to keep functioning.


  • 脂肪每一单位重量热量倍于蛋白质碳水化合物的。

    Fats contain more than twice as much energy (calories) per unit of weight as proteins and carbohydrates.


  • 种情况下致使摩尔物质升高温度单位需要热量不相同的。

    The amount of heat per mole necessary to cause the rise of temperature is different in each case.


  • 研究结果表明热量平衡”为计算基准蒸馏单位能耗拔出率的线性关联性差;

    The results showed that, the correlativity of the total unit energy consumption with the total yield of crude distillation is poor based on "heat balance method" .


  • 目标函数计算期内单位节约额现值

    The objective function of the optimization is the saving present value per unit heat consumption during the calculation period.


  • 探讨敷设加热地面面积单位地面面积散热量选取提出初步建议设计时参考。

    Discusses the selection of floor area and heat release per unit floor area for heating pipe laying, and presents some primary Suggestions for project design.


  • 用户实际热量计量远程收费供热单位当前急需解决一个技术问题

    To charge according to Users' actual heat consuming amount and long - distance data - collecting is a technical problem, which needs to be solved urgently, faced by the heat providers.


  • 空调器进行制冷运转单位时间密闭空间除去热量法定计量单位W)。

    Air conditioner in refrigeration (hot) operation unit within the time from an airtight room removed from the heat, the statutory measurement unit W (watts).


  • 卡路里热量量度单位个卡路里就是将一温度提升摄氏一度所需热量

    A calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius.


  • 高能量食品,如糖果肉,烧烤食品快餐等,单位食品含有更多热量

    Foods with high energy density, meaning they pack the most calories per gram, included candy, pastries, baked goods and snacks.


  • 建立钻井单位井深换热量钻井深度流量变化关系计算模型

    A mathematic model for the relationship between the rate of heat transfer per meter borehole and the depth of borehole as well as the flow rate was built.


  • 板式冷器单位体积换热量片管式空冷器1.5,是光管式的15倍;

    The volumetric heat transfer capacity of plate cooler is 1.5 times as that of fin-tube cooler and 15 times as that of tube cooler.


  • 观察发现几何参数相同时,封闭式片形式热量单位体积热量金属强度方面均优于开放式翅片形式。

    The results show that the closed finned tube is much more excellent than the opening finned tube on gross heat, heat of unit volume and metal thermal intensity with the same geometric parameters.


  • 他们单位体重使用能量人类或者限制热量饮食猕猴冬眠狐猴每单位体重使用的能量少得多

    They used far less energy per unit of body weight than humans, or macaque monkeys on calorie-restricted diets, or hibernating lemurs.


  • 此类林型单位面积释放热量较低林火火线强度较小适于采取直接灭火法进行扑救

    Their heats from per fire area were much lower and fire intensity was small, which was suitable to take fire direct extinguishing.


  • 此类林型单位面积释放热量较高林火火线强度较大,适于采取间接灭火法进行扑救

    The heats of per fire area from these types were higher and the fire intensity was greater, which was adopted to take fire indirect extinguishing.


  • 此类林型单位面积释放热量较高林火火线强度较大,适于采取间接灭火法进行扑救

    The heats of per fire area from these types were higher and the fire intensity was greater, which was adopted to take fire indirect extinguishing.


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