This morning I prayed that I could help someone today, and you walked through my line.
My advice to them at this point is to keep up the good work and then pray to the Mongolian Weather Gods to send cold fronts. That's their best hope for clean air.
By the time the sun rose, my father, after his prayers, finished with me our morning milk, and then, I standing at his side, he would once more hold communion with God, chanting the Upanishads.
At bedtime, Hillary, Chelsea, and I would say a little prayer or two by Chelsea's bed, then Hillary or I would read Chelsea a book.
He shook me till my teeth rattled, and pitched me beside Joseph, who steadily concluded his supplications and then rose, vowing he would set off for the Grange directly.
然后,到1月10号那天,我实在受够了。 我祈祷说:'主啊,我太渺小了,请把我接到你的怀抱里,我不想再这样下去了。'
Then, January tenth, I’d had enough, and I prayed, I said, ‘Lord, I am way too small, please take me up into You, I don’t want to do this anymore.’
Once I know I've done everything I can to prepare, I visualize myself succeeding and pray.
I shared this with my wife, and we just prayed and gave thanks to God, who really had answered our prayers - we knew now that this was the thing to do.
"You'll never regret it," I say finally. then, squeezing my friend's hand, I offer a prayer for her and me and all of the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this holiest of callings.
But as we wait, we continue to gladly share God's love to young boys and girls in the community. I pray that God would also use me to make a difference in someone else's life.
My prayer is that God would continue to use me and that through His work on my life, others may be drawn to Him.
So I prayed for them and then I put them in an old torn up shoe box and I buried them in the bottom of the fort that I had built in the ground, out by the large bamboos, near the blackberry bushes.
担任牧师的伯父主持餐前祈祷。然后,餐桌上阿拉伯语不绝于耳。 我的表兄弟们开始蘸着调料吃面包,舀一勺黎巴嫩风味的“tabouleh”色拉,再一小口一小口细细品尝蜜糖果仁酥饼。
My uncle the priest blessed the table and the chatter of Arabic began as cousins dipped their bread scooped up the tabouleh salad and daintily bit the sweet baklava pastry.
担任牧师的伯父主持餐前祈祷。然后,餐桌上阿拉伯语不绝于耳。 我的表兄弟们开始蘸着调料吃面包,舀一勺黎巴嫩风味的“tabouleh”色拉,再一小口一小口细细品尝蜜糖果仁酥饼。
My uncle the priest blessed the table and the chatter of Arabic began as cousins dipped their bread scooped up the tabouleh salad and daintily bit the sweet baklava pastry.