Beyond the stacks of info contained within standard picture files, a new breed of applications can pile on even more detailed signals about where a photo was taken.
Determining the location of photos also makes it possible to combine them with geographic data bases related to climate, population density, vegetation, topography and land use.
Using those signals, the app figures out who is nearby and then displays their photos.
It was taken by a bird-watcher who does not want to be named as he fears that could identify the location of the eagles’ nests, and put the birds at risk from angry hill farmers.
For example, a new photo-sharing app called Color leverages a smartphone's various sensors to determine more accurately the setting where a picture is taken.
Some of that info is sent over the Internet to Color's servers moments after the app is opened, not just when pictures are taken.
The photos, taken from a police helicopter, were obtained by ABC News under a Freedom of Information Act request with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
The images were taken by NASA's Dawn spacecraft, which began orbiting the 330-mile-wide rocky body last month and beaming back incredible surface details that the team is only beginning to pore over.
Caption information must give the true information about the date, the location and the circumstances under which a photo was taken.
The scanner's camera runs at 500 frames per second, and captures rapidly flipping book pages in two modes.
The scanner's camera runs at 500 frames per second, and captures rapidly flipping book pages in two modes.