记忆是当你暴露于某件事物 以后才发生的物理和化学过程。如果有什么东西打断了这一过程,记忆将不会被存储下来。
Memory is a physical/chemicalprocess that happens after you've been exposed to something, and if anything interrupts the process, the memory is not stored.
The diesel engine combustion is a physical and chemic process which is complex and changeable.
The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life.
It is about the limited space and time, and the thermal motion of all the relevant physical and chemical processes are irreversible in the lessons learned.
Research on forest hydrology is the key to understand the physical, biological, and chemical processes in a watershed and has significance to watershed management.
Slagging is a very complicated physical and chemical process which deals with several scientific courses such as combustion, multi-phase flow, heat and mass transfer etc.
Spontaneous combustion of coal is an extremely complicated physical chemistry process and the moisture is the important factor of the influence of coal oxidation.
They are widely used in the analysis of dynamic processes of various physiochemical reactions and fine processing with minimal thermal shock.
The effects of pulse voltage waveform on physical and chemical water treatment processes include double layer capacitor effect, mass transport, absorption and deabsorption on the surface of electrode.
Fouling is a physical and chemi complicated process which is influenced by many factors.
The ignition of the solid rocket motor (SRM) is a very complex physical and chemistry process, which is composed of three component phases: ignition delay, flame spreading and chamber filling.
The physical and chemical processes that could enhance dissolution of CO2 into brines need to be identified.
Gravimetry has always played an important role in the investigation of physical and chemical processes.
In many cultures there exists the notion that there is an animating energy in living things that is different from the chemical and physical processes that are also at work in living bodies.
That tells us the direction of spontaneous change for ordinary processes, chemical processes, mixing and you name it, under conditions that are easy to achieve in the lab.
Coal particle fragmentation represents a complicated physicochemical process during the combustion of coal.
It is a very complex process of physics and chemistry that the combustion of the base bleed propellant in whirling shape of high speed.
Clay barrier system is usually situated in the multi physical-chemical processes due to coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical effects including pollutant transport.
Magmatic emplacement is a complex physical chemical process which controls spatial distribution of rock body and deposit.
The process of biochemical fermentation is a large complex system, containing physical process, chemical process and biological process.
The problem of complicated physicochemical and aerodynamic process is simplified to one of two-dimensional forward-facing step of quasi-steady state ablation problem of the separation region.
The relationship between the power for the distributing device and the biochemical process of hydrolysis.
This paper used a finite-rate method to simulate the three-dimensional combustion process in a plasma generator.
This paper brief introduces the Physical chemistry process of heterogeneous response in the technical process of copper dissolved for produced process of electrodeposited copper foil.
From kinetic analysis in the sensitized and quenched reactions quantitative estimation was made of the quantum yields of the primary reactions involved in the direct photolysis.
The microscopic structure of the solid liquid interfaces (mainly the electrochemical interfaces) plays important roles to physicochemical processes taking place in the interfaces.
The physical process of adhesion is discussed with adsorption theory and acid-base coordination theory, and the chemical process of adhesion is discussed with the mechanism of cure and cross-linkage.
The fluid action in the ductile shear zone is a complicated tectonic physochemic al process coupled with the mechanic and chemical process, and is also a self_or ganizing process.
The fluid action in the ductile shear zone is a complicated tectonic physochemic al process coupled with the mechanic and chemical process, and is also a self_or ganizing process.