• 特洛伊战争女人扮成男人战斗战争

    The Trojan war is one that women cross-dress as men to fight.


  • 海伦遭诱拐就成了特洛伊战争直接起因。这场战争吞噬了所有希腊武士生命,也因此结束英雄时代

    Helen's abduction28 became the righteous29 and immediate cause of the Trojan war, which consumed30 the lives of Greece's warriors, thus ending the age of heroes.


  • 宙斯里达女儿、曼尼·拉斯妻子被认为世界美丽女子帕里司诱拐绑架导致特洛伊战争的发生。

    The daughter of Zeus and Leda and wife of Menelaus, considered to be the most beautiful woman in the world. Her abduction by Paris caused the Trojan War.


  • 迈锡尼国王特洛伊战争中的希腊联军统帅,阿特柔斯的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯、伊莱克特拉以及依菲琴尼亚的父亲

    The king of Mycenae and leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who was the son of Atreus and the father of Orestes, Electra, and Iphigenia; His wife Clytemnestra killed him upon his return from Troy.


  • 长达特洛伊战争终于结束了希腊毁掉了特洛伊之后,奥德斯率领其他希腊人准备横越大海返回自己的王国。

    After ten bloody years the war with Troy is over - the Greeks have destroyed the city. Now it is time for Odysseus and the other Greeks to return to their kingdoms across the sea.


  • 然而阿基里斯脚跟并未被冥河之水浸湿特洛伊战争期间特洛伊王子巴里斯射箭击中阿基里斯脚跟,阿基里斯因而丧命

    But Achilles' heel did not get wet, and during the Trojan war Paris, prince of Troy, shot and killed Achilles by hitting him with an arrow in the heel.


  • 克莱登妮丝特拉亚格门农妻子情人斯托斯的帮助下特洛伊战争返回中将谋杀之后自己也为其子奥瑞提斯所杀。

    The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.


  • 帕里斯评判希腊神话特洛伊战争的主要导火线。后来一种说法导致了罗马的建立。讲金苹果事件后紧接着发生的另一个重要决策。

    The Judgment of Paris is a story from Greek mythology, which was one of the events that led up to the Trojan War and (in slightly later versions of the story) to the foundation of Rome.


  • 战争持续时间海伦发现自己爱着拉斯,于是俄底修斯戴奥米底斯化妆进城来窃取帕拉斯(守护特洛伊城的神像)神像时,帮助了他们

    The battle continued for a very long time, Helen felt she still loved Menelaus, and she helped Odysseus and Diomedes when they came in disguise to steal the Palladium.


  • 战争爆发时,段腊般抵达特洛伊地区一位预言家宣称第一踏上敌人土地的段腊人注定

    When the Greek ships reached the Trojan land at the outbreak of the war, a prophet declared that the first Greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .


  • 战争爆发时,段腊般抵达特洛伊地区一位预言家宣称第一踏上敌人土地的段腊人注定

    When the Greek ships reached the Trojan land at the outbreak of the war, a prophet declared that the first Greek setting foot on the enemy soil was doomed to die .


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