• 第一论述实行终了犯罪中止理论基础

    Chapter one describes its theoretical foundation of discontinuation of a completed offence.


  • 有效性认定部分共犯人犯罪中止刚性标准

    The effectiveness is an rigidity standard of determining the discontinuance of crime of partial accomplice.


  • 中止成立条件不能混同犯罪中止的成立条件。

    The Condition of discontinuance of crime is Cant be Confused the Condition of one who discontinues a crime.


  • 犯罪中止博弈分析展开必须借助相关的假设前提

    The game analysis of discontinued crime must have some hypotheses and preconditions.


  • 第二文章共同犯罪成立犯罪中止进行深入研究

    In the second chapter, the article on the establishment of common crime in the suspension of crime carried out in-depth research.


  • 作为犯罪停止形态包括犯罪预备犯罪未遂犯罪中止犯罪既遂。

    The ceasing appearance that conduct and actions crime includes the crime prepare, commits crime uncompleted, commit crime to stop halfway the crime since.


  • 共同犯罪中止有效性整个共同犯罪是否最后达到完成状态来确定。

    The effectiveness of the joint offence depends on whether the joint offence finishes its action.


  • 三个条件相辅相成缺一不可犯罪中止成立构架起了一个稳固框架

    These three conditions complementary and indispensable, and one can stay for the crime played a framework for the establishment of a solid framework.


  • 建议共同犯罪中的犯罪中止问题立法上加以明确规定,避免司法实践中的断。

    My Proposals are following : the crime suspension in the common crime should be clearly defined in legislation in order to avoid arbitrarily broking in the judicial practice.


  • 犯罪中止不能犯未遂的竞合,应以行为有效性”为尺度,判断是否成立中止

    Whether the concurrence between crime quitting and incapable not—realizing crime belongs to the desistance of crime should be determined by the validity of the behavior.


  • 由于犯罪中止情况比较复杂,不宜统一模式解,所以内地刑法规定更为合理

    Owing to the complex of criminal desistance, it is not suitable to deal with it in one uniform mode, therefore, the provision of mainland criminal law is more plausible.


  • 当前对于共同犯罪案件如何认定犯罪中止,学术界和司法实践是仁者见仁,智者见智。

    At present, both the judicial apparatus in practice and the jurists in research have quite different opinions on the issue of how to determine the desistance of crime among cases of complicity.


  • 完成形态中,犯罪未遂犯罪中止较为常见容易引起理论实践争议分歧

    In not yet finished appearance, commit crime uncompleted with crime stop halfway more familiar, also cause the theories easily with practice the top disputes with disagree.


  • 犯罪未得逞是由于犯罪分子意志以外原因一点把犯罪未遂与犯罪中止区别开来。

    Thirdly, the reasons that the crimes don't finished are independent of the wills of the offenders, which distinguishes the criminal attempt from the desistance of a crime.


  • 对于中止未遂犯竞合,应根据具体情况的不同,分别认定犯罪中止犯罪未遂。

    As for the circumstances of concurrence of discontinued criminal and attempted offense, it can be charged as desistance of crime or attempt of crime according to the specific situations.


  • 作为故意犯罪牵连犯罪既遂、犯罪预备犯罪未遂犯罪中止多种犯罪停止形态

    As an intentional crime, Implicated Offense also has some suspending forms, like Accomplished crime, Preparation for crime, Criminal Attempt, and Discontinuation of crime.


  • 对于中止未遂犯竞合,应根据具体情况的不同,分别认定犯罪中止犯罪未遂。

    As for the circumstances of concurrence of discontinued criminal and attempted offense, it can be charged as desistance of crime or attempt of crime according to the specific situ...


  • 认为时间性前提条件处于犯罪中止要求时间范围之中的,任何行为都不能构成犯罪中止

    That timing is the prerequisite conditions, not in a criminal suspended the time frame requested by the way, are not any of the acts constitute a crime suspension;


  • 相对犯罪构成完成形态犯罪既遂,犯罪预备、犯罪未遂和犯罪中止犯罪构成未完成形态

    Compared with the general form in crime committing (namely, consummated crime), preparation for a crime, attempted crime and discontinuation of a crime are special forms in crime committing.


  • 故在抽象危险产生发生之前只要行为人及时采取有效措施避免实害发生,仍能成立犯罪中止

    After the potential damage emerges, before the actual damage occurs, as long as the doer takes effective measures to prevent the actual damage, the act of the doer constitutes discontinuance.


  • 博弈分析作为研究方法早已解决法律问题所援用,犯罪中止研究可以运用博弈分析方法展开。

    As a kind of research method, game analysis has already used to solve legal problems, so it can be used to research the theory of discontinued crime.


  • 共同犯罪犯罪中止犯罪中止形态一种特殊形态,刑法理论界对共同犯罪犯罪中止的构成特征众说纷纭。

    As a special pattern of abatement of a crime, there are different doctrines about the abatement of a crime in joint offence in the domain of the criminal law science.


  • 然而长期以来刑法理论界对于犯罪中止概念构成要件共同犯罪中止犯罪中止处罚问题存在争议。

    However, crime has long been suspended for the concept of crime, constitute elements of the suspension of common crime, and criminal penalties and other issues the stay there is a controversy.


  • 深入分析检讨实行终了犯罪中止构成,厘清学说争议可以具体的司法适用提供指导、为犯罪中止立法修订提供建议

    Analysing discontinuation of a completed offence's composition in depth can end the dispute on theory, offer the instruction for the judicial and Suggestions in legislation.


  • 共同犯罪学说称为是刑法理论的“绝望之”,中止又是行为人后退黄金桥梁”。

    The theory about joint crime is called 'the chapter of despair' in the criminal law , and crime determination is the 'golden bridge' of person' s behavior.


  • 犯罪预备未遂中止相对于犯罪而言,犯罪的未完成形态可以称为未完成

    Preparation, attempt or discontinuance of crime is a kind of inchoate conformation, so they can be called inchoate crime.


  • 保险诈骗犯罪存在既遂、未遂中止和预备种停止形态。认定保险诈骗犯罪四种停止形态关键准确认定犯罪行为何时为着手。

    According to the theory of the criminal law, there are four stop pattern is not deep enough, especially in the evidence research of attempted insurance fraud pattern.


  • 中止既遂竞合两种不同犯罪形态重叠

    It is overlap of two different offence forms that on the Concurrence between the discontinuation of an offence and accomplished offence.


  • 中止既遂竞合两种不同犯罪形态重叠

    It is overlap of two different offence forms that on the Concurrence between the discontinuation of an offence and accomplished offence.


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