The first successful artificial heart transplant was completed at the University of Utah Medical Center.
In 1967, he graduated from the College of Pharmacy, University of Utah and became a Registered Pharmacist.
犹他州大学的Patrick Kiser和他的同事们,认为可能已经找到了解决方案。
Patrick Kiser, of the University of Utah, and his colleagues, believe they may have hit on the answer.
Thought by many to be a hoax, the bird was taken by its owner to the University of Utah in Salt Lake City to establish its authenticity.
University of Utah School of Medicine researchers have developed a new tool that facilitates diagnosis of anemia related to chronic illness, as well as diseases of iron overload.
Milk is especially susceptible because the riboflavin (vitamin B2) it contains ACTS as a photosensitizer, says Donald McMahon, PhD, an expert in dairy foods processing at Utah State University.
Alan Hawkins是犹他州普罗沃杨百翰大学家庭生活学的教授。他说迄今为止有很多关于导致离婚因素的研究,但“实际上没人研究出离婚的整个考虑过程。”
Alan Hawkins, a professor of family life at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, says there's a lot of research on factors that predict divorce but "virtually no research on the thinking process."
犹他州Ogden市韦伯州立大学(Weber State University)传媒学教授苏珊•哈芬(SusanHafen)说,抑制流言蜚语的努力似乎有些天真和片面。
Efforts to stifle gossip may be naive and limiting, says Susan Hafen, a professor of communication at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah.
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Eric received a music scholarship at Utah State University but after teaching a percussion class at a local middle school, he quickly changed direction and embarked upon an education in painting.
He has got the bachelor of medicament and doctor of medicine from Salt Lake City university, Utah.
A city of north-central Utah south-southeast of Salt Lake City. It was settled by Mormons in1849 and is the seat of Brigham Young University(established1875). Population, 86, 835.
This course has been the traditional senior project course in the Department of Economics at Utah State University.
He has been a faculty member at the University of Utah and the Ohio State University.
Graduate Grant Adamson, of Rice University in the United States, cracked the words on the document after being assigned the task in 2011 during a summer institute at Brigham Young University in Utah.
Graduate Grant Adamson, of Rice University in the United States, cracked the words on the document after being assigned the task in 2011 during a summer institute at Brigham Young University in Utah.