• 狭隘自私的行为最终会自拆台脚

    Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating.


  • 世界认识非常狭隘的。

    She has a very narrow view of the world.


  • 态度显示他的思想有些狭隘

    His attitudes show a certain narrowness of mind.


  • 他们可能他们贡献狭隘了。

    They may define their contribution too narrowly.


  • 我们狭隘主意错误,抵制了革新

    We have been guilty of parochialism, of resistance to change.


  • 僧侣们颇有微词,认为他们心胸狭隘自以为是

    He is critical of the monks, whom he considers narrow-minded and self-righteous.


  • 选民们选举代表大众的利益不是狭隘的群体利益。

    Voters elected him to represent them, rather than narrow sectional interests.


  • 正是那种狭隘无知自命不凡人。

    It was just the sort of population to be narrow and ignorant and self-conceited.


  • 实质上一种狭隘保守解决问题方法

    It is essentially a narrow and conservative approach to problem-solving.


  • 见地狭隘

    He is narrow in opinion.


  • 民族国家似乎自由最佳孵化器虽然非常清楚狭隘排外局限

    The nation-state, though he was well aware of its parochial and xenophobic limitations, seemed to be liberty's best incubator.


  • 过去狭隘广泛流传感知:这段历史美国人视为欧洲人后裔

    He had a narrow but widely shared sense of the past: a history that has viewed Americans as descendants of Europeans.


  • 来自亲戚的额外贷款礼物出于集体义务不是狭隘投资计算,补充个人储蓄

    Additional loans and gifts from relatives, forthcoming because of group obligation rather than narrow investment calculation, have supplemented personal savings.


  • 当时,人们通常狭隘技术角度来看待古代船只多佛消息却得到广泛的关注

    At the time, ancient boats were often considered only from a narrower technological perspective, but news about the Dover boat reached a broad audience.


  • 正如Alexander Keyssar新书中所指出那样,这种狭隘观点忽略过去几十年普遍存在的衰退失业现象。

    The narrowness of this perspective ignores the pervasive recessions and joblessness of the previous decades, as Alexander Keyssar shows in his recent book.


  • 该地居民紧密抱团,狭隘排外

    Its inhabitants are a close and incestuous bunch.


  • 现在每人看清主席保守、太狭隘

    It became clear to everyone that the chairman was too reactionary, too blinkered.


  • 以前从来没有碰到过这样恶意狭隘

    Never had she met such spite and pettiness.


  • 具有狭隘人生观。

    He had a jaundiced view of life.


  • 公司绝不会因为狭隘民族主义而耽误大买卖。

    Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.


  • 些人似乎愿意在他们狭隘的专业领域夜以继日地工作。

    Some people seem willing to work around the clock in their narrow specialty.


  • 今一些人工智能先行者希望走出目前“弱小”或“狭隘”的世界。

    Some of today's AI pioneers want to move on from today's world of "weak" or "narrow".


  • 这些变化必须得到国会整体批准否决,这样一来,狭隘利益游说团体很难立法者屈从于他们的意愿。

    The changes would have to be approved or rejected as a whole by Congress, making it hard for narrow-interest lobbies to bend lawmakers to their will.


  • 不幸是,尽管花了时间研究,“核心问题”报告从来没有深入问题的核心:我们一流学院大学自由教育狭隘本质

    Unfortunately, despite 2 1/2 years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.


  • 不幸是,尽管花了时间研究,“核心问题”报告从来没有深入问题的核心:我们一流学院大学自由教育狭隘本质

    Unfortunately, despite 2 1/2 years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.


  • 物理学普遍性意味着历史狭隘的。

    The universality of physics means that history is provincial.


  • 而且,怀特岛选民有时还真是狭隘

    And some Isle of Wight voters can sound pretty parochial.


  • 然而一个非常狭隘消极看法

    But that's a very narrow and largely disempowering perspective.


  • 不过上述观点未免太过狭隘

    That view is too parochial.


  • 社会成功定义狭隘

    Society defines success very narrowly.


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