The basic properties of the starch paste of the paste of waxy corn grown in China were researched.
Compared with regular maize starch, the waxy maize starch paste had weaker retrogradation, better transparency and more freeze-thaw stability.
The experimental results obtained revealed that waxy maize starch paste with pseudoplastic characteristics could be considered as a shear-thinning system.
Some of the more popular of the home remedies are that of aloe and cornstarch paste which are to be applied to the infected area.
At the same temperature, the same type, with the degree of starch gelatinization increased, the single layer water content decreased which is calculated by GAB and BET model.
Compared to corn starch, the weak retrogradation is main characteristic of glutinous rice flour paste, and some samples have better stability against shearing.
The gelatination properties of waxy maize starch, including the paste properties, rheological behaviors and gel strength, were studied in this work.
The modified starch adhesive has consistent quality of good viscosity, low gel temperature, good wet tack and water resistance.
B012XF is pregelatinised, unmodified waxy maize starch capable of thickening in cold liquids.
Pre paste starch is produced by corn, sweet potato, potato, cassava, wheat and other raw materials.
The rise in pasting temperature and the drop in viscosity of the maize starch are observed after the microwave irradiation.
Steam flaking maize and wheat effectively increased the level of gelatinized starch in both maize and wheat (Table 7) but did not benefit post-weaning or lifetime pig performance.
The research on its properties demonstrated that compared with corn starch, it has a higher viscosity, better clarity and lessened tendency to gel.
Scanning electron microscopy exhibited that cross-linking hindered amylose exudation from the surfaces of the granules of cationic corn starch.
A corn starch adhesive, with moderate viscosity, good adhesion and flowability is prepared at room temperature in the presence of KMnO 4 as the oxidant via oxidation, pasting and crosslinking.
结果表明,小米淀粉与玉米淀粉相比,糊的凝胶稳定性好、持水力强、膨胀力高、糊化温度高、热焓变值大、但透明度较差、冻融稳定性不佳、 热稳定性差;
The results have showed, millet starch, compared with maize starch, have weaker agglutination stability, higher swelling power and gelatinization temperature, poor freeze-thaw stability;
结果表明,小米淀粉与玉米淀粉相比,糊的凝胶稳定性好、持水力强、膨胀力高、糊化温度高、热焓变值大、但透明度较差、冻融稳定性不佳、 热稳定性差;
The results have showed, millet starch, compared with maize starch, have weaker agglutination stability, higher swelling power and gelatinization temperature, poor freeze-thaw stability;