The properties of zein films were affected by cold storage temperature.
The properties of zein films were effected by freezing storage temperature.
Some new ways of extracting zein were introduced; also the purity and decolouring of zein were discussed.
This article aim was to provide the basis of the utilization of zein and co…
Recently , with development of further research on zein , its application range is gradually enlarged.
The experimental results indicated that zein could be used as a delayed-release skeleton material.
This paper does research on the condition of zein film formation and its fresh preservation effect.
The technique of each step was determined through experiments and the yield of corn prolamine in the experimental condition was 80 percent.
玉米醇溶蛋白是玉米中主要的贮藏蛋白质,约占总蛋白质的45% ~ 50%。
Zein is the major storage protein of corn and comprises 45% ~ 50% of total protein in corn.
The composition of zein was introduced in this paper. The advance study on the extraction, decolorizing methods and applications of zein were also reviewed in the paper.
本发明属于一种在食品、药品包装中使用并可以在自然环境中完全降解 的玉米醇溶蛋白膜及其制备方法。
The invention relates to a zein film that could be fully degraded in natural environment and the manufacturing method.
The residual corn endosperm after the extraction was used for ethanol fermentation, and the ethanol yield of starch achieved 53.40 %, little higher than that of the contrast group (53.04 %).
The residual corn endosperm after the extraction was used for ethanol fermentation, and the ethanol yield of starch achieved 53.40 %, little higher than that of the contrast group (53.04 %).