• 这个开口用来连接链条

    The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain.


  • 开枪射中了靶子外一

    He fired and hit the outermost ring of the target.


  • 这根链条136个组成

    The chain is formed from 136 links.


  • 绳子打了系在木头

    He looped the rope over the wood.


  • 人们把这链状火山恰当称作”。

    The chain of volcanoes is known, appropriately enough , as the 'Ring of Fire'.


  • 我们正在解决可能是我们人类进化过程缺失最大

    We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.


  • 带有蓝色通向商业区

    A bridge with big, light-blue loops leads into the business district.


  • 或者选择佩戴肚脐还是肚脐铃

    Should he or she elect to wear a belly button ring or a barbell?


  • 什么方形的?

    What ring is square?


  • 他们潘克拉斯火车站奥运下面表演

    They're going to perform underneath the Olympic rings in St. Pancras station on.


  • 发现这些所有标本存在最小除外

    I found that there were these rings in every specimen except for the smallest.


  • 例如水鸟塑料瓶噎住,还金属割伤

    Waterbirds, for example, can choke on plastic bottle rings and get cut by scrap metal.


  • 远处座巨大拱门一个连续,像一方形面包圈

    Looking from a distance like a gigantic arch, it is a continuous loop, a kind of square doughnut.


  • 已经看到了斯皮策太空望远镜红外波段捕捉到的这类温热证据

    He has seen evidence of these warm dusty rings in infrared radiation picked up by the Spitzer space telescope.


  • 张照片里,位于新加坡动物园才两周紧紧的妈妈的身上。

    In this photo, a two-week-old ring-tailed lemur clings on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.


  • 我们这里问题如果我们考虑能量降到最低那么系统应有很多张力

    We have a problem here, if we're thinking about keeping things at the lowest energy, so there's a lot of ring strain in the system.


  • 当然小丑一个恶魔般的马戏团人物,被希斯·莱杰完全地发挥出来。

    That would be the Joker, of course, a demonic creation and the three-ring circus of one wholly inhabited by Heath Ledger.


  • 大量的抛射物撞击的天体形成各种各样陨石坑包括“多盆地”——行星卫星上观察到的最大地质特征

    Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including "multi-ring basins"—the largest geologic features observed on planets and moons.


  • 巨大的抛射物撞击天体创造各种各样陨石坑包括盆地——行星卫星观察到最大地质特征

    Massive projectiles striking much larger bodies create various kinds of craters, including multi-ring basinsthe largest geologic features observed on planets and moons.


  • 然而,到了20世纪80年代,巴克论点开始受到质疑,因为许多科学家各种恐龙骨骼发现了与现代爬行动物相似生长

    In the 1980's, however, Bakker's contention began to be questioned, as a number of scientists found growth rings in the bones of various dinosaurs that are much like those in modern reptiles.


  • 印度洋沿岸海域一物种

    This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.


  • 巨款在某一上不翼而飞

    Somewhere along the line a large amount of money went missing.


  • 音乐所学校课程中基本

    Music is an integral part of the school's curriculum.


  • 游泳池四周绕着热带花园

    The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.


  • 峡谷四周绕着高耸岩壁。

    The canyon is hemmed in by towering walls of rock.


  • 这个条约政府外交政策最重要

    This treaty is the centrepiece of the government's foreign policy.


  • 维多利亚时代的服装很多钩子扣!

    There were lots of hooks and eyes in Victorian costumes!


  • 心目中金融安全十分重要的一

    Financial security was high on his list of priorities.


  • 投身一个明确宣称只用非暴力手段的运动

    I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly nonviolent.


  • 种冰箱十分保,因为它耗电更少。

    The fridge is environmentally friendly because it uses less electricity.


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