Article 50 the enforcement rules for this Act shall be proposed by the Environmental Protection Administration and submitted to the Executive Yuan for approval before promulgation.
Economists sigh that she ordered the Environmental Protection Agency not to weigh costs against benefits in enforcing certain provisions of the Clean Water Act.
"We cannot fight biology with engineering alone," Cameron Davis, the Environmental Protection Agency's spokesman on the issue, told the congressional panel.
Warning that the powerful poisons can endanger dogs and cats, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will require new instructions and labeling for on-spot flea products.
On Thursday the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bill aimed at preventing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
Each year, the nation's factory farms, collectively produce 2 billion tons of manure, a substance that's rated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as one of the country's top 10 pollutants.
Energy STAR qualified - Designed to use less energy and meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency and U. S. Department of energy.
On Thursday the U. S. house of Representatives approved a bill aimed at preventing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.
According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, coal - and natural gas-fired plants were responsible for one-third of U. S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2012.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled an enormous amount of research on dirt consumption. About 45 percent of the stuff we inhale or inadvertently eat is soil, and 55 percent is dust.
They also wanted to limit funding for the establishment of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and block the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing clean air and water rules.
The DEC urges people to phone the Giant Hogweed Hotline to report finding a specimen of the dangerous plant. They'll immediately dispatch a crew to dispose of it.
The FDA and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report that for most people, however, the amount of mercury they consume by eating fish isn't a health concern.
In 2009, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that greenhouse-gas emissions could be regulated under the Clean Air Act. Texasfiled suit against the EPA.
Experts at the us Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington claim that the world is braced for an increase in outbreaks due to global warming and changes in land use and farming practices.
The EPA said the science about the dangers posed by greenhouse gases was compelling and overwhelming, and that the increase of such gases was the unambiguous result of human emissions.
The EPA's decision, known as an "endangerment finding", gives the agency the legal authority to demand cuts in emissions following a 60-day public review period.
USDA recognizes that a formal review by the EPA of each of the feedstocks would be required to evaluate whether they qualify as an advanced biofuel.
Because they can negatively affect your health, the U. s. Environmental Protection Agency advises that kids younger than 15 years old avoid fish that contain high levels of mercury and PCBs.
It's great because there's huge expectation that we are gonna bring this agency back, that we are gonna restore EPA with places, the protector of air, water and land.
就像小孩子的饮用水里渗进了氮气一样,过度施肥也让作物深受其害,经常引发水华、形成“死区”。 美国环境保护署:草坪撒肥机
Overfertilization can also harm crops — as well as human babies if nitrogen seeps into their drinking water — and often triggers algae blooms and "dead zones."
Thee EPA numbers on unintentional dirt consumption focus on children, with one study reporting that babies from 6 weeks to 1 year old generally get 60 milligrams a day.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency obliges contractors to do lead-safe renovations on pre-1978 homes, isolating rooms where work is under way and using special vacuums and masks for dust.
The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency obliges contractors to do lead-safe renovations on pre-1978 homes, isolating rooms where work is under way and using special vacuums and masks for dust.