The average Bolivian lives to be 65 years old; the average Chilean makes it to 78.
Men are often buried with their workmates, betraying how tightly bound a Bolivian's identity is to his profession.
If you found a Bolivian enjoying the same amount of fish as a Chilean, you should not conclude that the two are equally well off.
The amnesty sent Bolivians flocking to Iquique, the Chilean port where most of the imports arrive, until car dealers there sold out.
Bechtel—the multinational corporation that had leased their pipes and plants—had more than doubled water rates, leaving tens of thousands of Bolivians who couldn't pay without any water whatsoever.
But while Bolivians have lived off it for centuries, quinoa remained little more than a curiosity outside the Andes for years, found in health food shops and studied by researchers — until recently.
Its members belong to what is thought to be the oldest surviving culture in the Andes, a tribe that has survived for 4, 000 years on the barren plains of the Bolivian interior.
Bolivia, a country with just under 12 million people, boasts 37 languages belonging to 18 language families.
Current outbreak: While the world's attention has been focused on Mexico's swine flu, a severe dengue outbreak infected 50, 000 people in Bolivia and more than 20, 000 in Argentina.
Since December flooding has claimed 201 lives in Brazil, 43 in Mexico and 15 in Bolivia, whereas drought has contributed to electricity shortages in Venezuela and Ecuador.
The indigenous Bolivians who cultivate quinoa are among Bolivia's poorest and many lived until the late 20th century by barter.
Most of the victims were Uruguayan, but there were also Chileans, Bolivians, Peruvians and Cubans.
提前三场获得小组头名,但过程并非如某些人所愿般的顺风顺水,仅从玻利维亚身上取走一分,还有4场0 - 0的平局。
Finished top of their group with three matches to spare but the process was not as imperious as some would have liked, taking only one point off Bolivia and drawing 0-0 four times.
Bolivia nationalised four electricity companies, two of which had European owners or partners.
Current outbreak: While the world's attention has been focused on Mexico's swine flu, a severe dengue outbreak infected 50,000 people in Bolivia and more than 20,000 in Argentina.
Sucre, the first capital of Bolivia, was founded by the Spanish in the first half of the 16th century.
Castro's courage and wisdom are believed to have inspired a new generation of political leaders in Latin America, such as in Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador.
The secret language of the Kallawaya, who live in the Bolivian Andes, is more 400 years old and is spoken by fewer than a hundred people.
The secret language of the Kallawaya, who live in the Bolivian Andes, is more 400 years old and is spoken by fewer than a hundred people.