• 似乎理所当然地认为他应当作为代表发言

    He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative.


  • 煤气垄断经营过去认为理所当然的。

    Electricity, gas and water were considered to be natural monopolies.


  • 成年后,发现自己大多数认为是理所当然知之甚少

    I came into adult life clueless about a lot of things that most people take for granted.


  • 如果警察理所当然携带武器难道不是鼓励罪犯携带武器吗?

    If police are carrying arms as a matter of course, then doesn't it encourage criminals to carry them?


  • 感到惊讶的是,我在北方视为理所当然一切事物南美大草原上几乎没有发生

    I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in Savannah.


  • 可能认为青蛙很容易抓到昆虫理所当然的。

    You may take it for granted that the frog catches insects easily.


  • 不要家人朋友视为理所当然,而不重视他们。

    Don't take your family and friends for granted.


  • 但是他们只是驶过人体交通标志看作理所当然的事。

    But they just pass by, taking the human traffic signal for granted.


  • 几十年来,美国理所当然认为美国技术开发中处于领导地位

    For decades, Americans have taken for granted the United States' leadership position in the development of new technologies.


  • 美国参加有组织体育活动非常普遍,许多儿童青少年认为这理所当然的。

    Playing organized sports is such a common experience in the United States that many children and teenagers take them for granted.


  • 医学界认为衰老理所当然的,除了人们维持一定程度健康,他们无能为力

    The medical community also takes aging for granted, and can do nothing about it except keep people within a certain health range.


  • 这个地方根本没有,没有复印机所有认为在这里理所当然东西,都将不再存在

    The place has no electricity at all, no photocopiers, all the things that you just take for granted here, they just won't be there any more.


  • 笛卡尔认为既然我们感官可以欺骗我们我们应该理所当然地认为感官告诉我们的都真的

    Descartes thinks that since our senses can deceive us, we ought not take for granted that what they tell us is really true.


  • 大部分工作时间里,自己的行为准则视为理所当然就像商人对待自己的职业道德一样。

    During most of his working life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.


  • 有时父母孩子看作是自己延续他们认为自己决定孩子生活中做什么是绝对正确理所当然的。

    Sometimes parents regard their children as extensions of themselves and think it only right and natural that they determine what their children do with their lives.


  • 然而正是这种欺骗性的轻松使语言成为自身成功牺牲品,因为日常生活中,语言的成功通常视为理所当然

    Yet it is precisely this deceptive ease which makes language a victim of its own success, since in everyday life its triumphs are usually taken for granted.


  • 首先纽约这座城市,在这里出生男女认为这座城市的存在理所当然的,认为城市规模动荡自然形成的,是必定会发生的事情。

    There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable.


  • 通常来说,这种技术便捷可移动优势既是显而易见也被认为是理所当然的,留下了更多微妙的话题人们讨论智能手机是否会干扰儿童睡眠

    Often the advantages of convenient, mobile technology are both obvious and taken for granted, leaving more subtle topics for concerned discussion: are smartphones disturbing children's sleep?


  • 餐馆为大众喜爱理所当然的。

    The restaurant is deservedly popular.


  • 全队表现良好获胜是理所当然

    The whole team was on good form and deserved the win.


  • 选中担任最高职位这是理所当然的。

    He has just been chosen for the top job, and deservedly so.


  • 现在可以理所当然声称自己世界上优秀

    She can now legitimately claim to be the best in the world.


  • 政客们那时漫画家们当作是理所当然的抨击对象。

    Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists.


  • 学校为这次出色考试成绩感到骄傲理所当然

    The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results.


  • 认为那是理所当然的。

    I take that as a given.


  • 我们希望我们孩子能得到更多理所当然的。

    We want more for our kids, and rightfully so.


  • 理所当然地,因为一些我们并不真正了解尚未建立信任朋友”面前表现得完全真实脆弱我们感到不安

    Rightfully so, because it wouldn't feel safe to be completely authentic and vulnerable with some of our "friends" whom we don't actually know or with whom trust has yet to be built.


  • 但是这些理所当然会有成本

    But this, of course, will cost money.


  • 不要认为拥有的是理所当然的。

    Don't take for granted what you have.


  • 容易他们视为理所当然

    It's even easier to take them for granted.


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