• 以帕波尔尝试给出自然科学一个解释,关于归纳法并无可遵循的途径,因为认为是在架空那个理论基础

    Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.


  • 因此留给旁观者印象就是达尔文理论几乎没有可供自然科学家有据驳斥的地方。

    So onlookers are left with the impression that there is little or nothing about Darwin's theory to which a scientific naturalist could reasonably object.


  • 数学方法渗透支配着一切自然科学理论分支愈来愈成为衡量科学成就主要标志

    Mathematical method penetration and dominate all branches of natural science theory. It becomes more and more become a symbol of the primary measure of scientific achievements.


  • 自然科学领域一个数学公式提出必须经过理论实验证明正是历史学界缺少的。

    In natural science, a mathematical formula of proposed must undergo the theory or experiment proof to just go, and this is what is history scholars are missing.


  • 达尔文理论不比自然科学任何其它一种假设哲学有关

    Darwin's theory has no more to do with philosophy than any other hypothesis in natural science.


  • 由分几何学衍生推广至应用领域形成分形理论自然科学乃至哲学历史艺术文化等领域产生了重大影响

    Fractal theory which derived from the expanding of fractal geometry to application fields have been influencing greatly natural science and even fields of philosophy, history, art and culture.


  • 孤子理论自然科学各个领域扮演非常重要角色

    Soliton theory plays a very important role in various fields of natural science.


  • 论文国家自然科学基金项目“可信传感器网络路由交换理论关键技术”重要组成部分

    This paper is an important part of Natural Science Fund project-routing Theory and Key Technologies of Reliable Sensor Networks.


  • 人文科学研究自然科学的研究一样,都需要实践探索不断对探索出理论加以实践的检验

    As the same as the study of natural science, the study of humanities also needs to explore in practice, and test constantly the theory with practice.


  • 本文围绕着北京市自然科学基金项目智能化宽频可调谐激光器进行理论实验方面的研究,初步研制出两台实验样机。

    In this paper, we have studied the theory and experiment of intelligent wide-band tunable laser around Beijing Natural Science Foundation Proposed Program and developed two testing laser system.


  • 本文涉及理论源于热力学,但目前理论研究应用几乎遍及所有自然科学社会科学

    The "Entropy Theory" stated hereby stems from thermodynamics, whose research and application at present cover almost all the natural science and the social science.


  • 以帕波尔尝试给出自然科学一个解释关于归纳法并无可遵循的途径因为认为是在架空那个理论基础

    Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.


  • 卢曼社会系统论现代社会进行分析理论产物,理论根源自然科学系统论。

    Luhmann's social systems theory is an analysis of modern society, whose root is the theory of natural systems.


  • 1978年,作者首次发表了群统计理论及其某些自然科学领域里应用论文

    The first paper of the author on the sub-cluster statistics and its application in some fields of natural science was published in 1978.


  • 自然科学理论规律性预测性普适性特征社会科学理论有规律性、预测性和实践性等特征。

    The theory of natural science is with the features of regularity, predictability and generalities, while theory of social science is with the features of regularity, predictability and practicality.


  • 文学理论自然科学共同追求科学精神

    Literary theory longs for and embodies the nature of science as well as the science.


  • 本文基于自然科学基金课题激光激励层状材料超声检测理论实验研究”开展工作

    Our work is based on the research - Theoretical and experimental study on ultrasound excitation and detection in layered materials induced by pulsed lasers.


  • 本文选题来源于国家自然科学基金等项目,具有重要理论意义实际意义

    This thesis is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China etc, and is quite significant to theoretic research and practical application.


  • 本文国家自然科学基金项目产品概念结构公差同步综合进化设计理论与应用研究(项目号:50475129)为中心展开研究。

    The thesis is supported by National Nature Science Fund Project (No:50475129), named 'Study on evolving theory and technology of synchronous synthetic tolerancing in product conceptual design'.


  • 科学认识美的统一我们对自然科学理论评价应当坚持真理评价、价值评价美学评价统一。

    Science cognition is the unity of the true, the good and the beautiful. The evaluation over natural science theory should be based on the unity of evaluation of truth, value and aesthetics.


  • 一些理论观点存在着与自然科学观念大众经验相悖混淆因果关系过错概念的缺陷。

    Some theoretical standpoint, more or less, contain the defects that the natural scientific concept turns out contrary to the public's experience, and the causation and fault conception are confused.


  • 论文得到国家自然科学基金项目微米纤维细胞裂解机理纤维细胞结构建模理论黑龙江省自然科学基金“微米木纤维细胞的变异机理与形成理论研究”资助

    This thesis has got the nation natural science fund item micron-meter wooden fiber cell splitting decomposition mechanism of and super thin fiber cell structural modeling theory "to be subsidized ."


  • 本文即为国家自然科学基金项目(59907004)“通用电能质量控制技术基础理论控制方法研究”的部分工作的总结。

    This thesis is right based on a National Natural Science Foundation projectBasic Theory and Control Algorithms of Universal Power Quality Control Technology(59907004).


  • 本文国家自然科学基金课题民航灾害预警机理方法研究”深入细化,是理论与实践相结合的一次深入。

    Comparing to the national nature science fund issue-study on Forewarning Mechanism and Method of Civil Airlines Disaster, the thesis is deeper and more detailed.


  • 基于数据维和压缩感知图像哈希理论方法国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目), 2014-2016,主持

    2014-2016, Image Hashing Theories and Methods Based on Data Dimensionality Reduction and Compressive Sensing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.


  • 基于数据维和压缩感知图像哈希理论方法国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目), 2014-2016,主持

    2014-2016, Image Hashing Theories and Methods Based on Data Dimensionality Reduction and Compressive Sensing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.


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