Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.
So onlookers are left with the impression that there is little or nothing about Darwin's theory to which a scientific naturalist could reasonably object.
Mathematical method penetration and dominate all branches of natural science theory. It becomes more and more become a symbol of the primary measure of scientific achievements.
In natural science, a mathematical formula of proposed must undergo the theory or experiment proof to just go, and this is what is history scholars are missing.
Darwin's theory has no more to do with philosophy than any other hypothesis in natural science.
Fractal theory which derived from the expanding of fractal geometry to application fields have been influencing greatly natural science and even fields of philosophy, history, art and culture.
Soliton theory plays a very important role in various fields of natural science.
This paper is an important part of Natural Science Fund project-routing Theory and Key Technologies of Reliable Sensor Networks.
As the same as the study of natural science, the study of humanities also needs to explore in practice, and test constantly the theory with practice.
In this paper, we have studied the theory and experiment of intelligent wide-band tunable laser around Beijing Natural Science Foundation Proposed Program and developed two testing laser system.
The "Entropy Theory" stated hereby stems from thermodynamics, whose research and application at present cover almost all the natural science and the social science.
Popper for example tried to give an account of science which in no way depended on induction because he thought that Hume had completely undermined that basis.
Luhmann's social systems theory is an analysis of modern society, whose root is the theory of natural systems.
The first paper of the author on the sub-cluster statistics and its application in some fields of natural science was published in 1978.
The theory of natural science is with the features of regularity, predictability and generalities, while theory of social science is with the features of regularity, predictability and practicality.
Literary theory longs for and embodies the nature of science as well as the science.
Our work is based on the research - Theoretical and experimental study on ultrasound excitation and detection in layered materials induced by pulsed lasers.
This thesis is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China etc, and is quite significant to theoretic research and practical application.
The thesis is supported by National Nature Science Fund Project (No:50475129), named 'Study on evolving theory and technology of synchronous synthetic tolerancing in product conceptual design'.
Science cognition is the unity of the true, the good and the beautiful. The evaluation over natural science theory should be based on the unity of evaluation of truth, value and aesthetics.
Some theoretical standpoint, more or less, contain the defects that the natural scientific concept turns out contrary to the public's experience, and the causation and fault conception are confused.
This thesis has got the nation natural science fund item micron-meter wooden fiber cell splitting decomposition mechanism of and super thin fiber cell structural modeling theory "to be subsidized ."
This thesis is right based on a National Natural Science Foundation project—Basic Theory and Control Algorithms of Universal Power Quality Control Technology(59907004).
Comparing to the national nature science fund issue-study on Forewarning Mechanism and Method of Civil Airlines Disaster, the thesis is deeper and more detailed.
基于数据降维和压缩感知的图像哈希理论与方法,国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目), 2014-2016,主持。
2014-2016, Image Hashing Theories and Methods Based on Data Dimensionality Reduction and Compressive Sensing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.
基于数据降维和压缩感知的图像哈希理论与方法,国家自然科学基金(青年科学基金项目), 2014-2016,主持。
2014-2016, Image Hashing Theories and Methods Based on Data Dimensionality Reduction and Compressive Sensing, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), PI.