Rydell, a Swedish editor and journalist, crosses Europe to investigate "the most extensive book theft in the history of the world" and reports on ongoing restitution efforts.
"The Swedes couldn't even produce another warrant today that was valid," Stephens told AOL News. "the police here sent it back."
Mr Sunde told BBC News: "we still don't think we have done anything illegal under Swedish law."
这不是新闻,Torbjorn Tomson医学博士,瑞典卡罗琳斯卡学院临床神经科学教授,在一篇评论中指出。
, a professor ofclinical neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, pointed out in an editorial.
When you have such a good thing when a sudden doubt, you will immediately see a frenzy of Swedish immigrants trap, news, such as Sweden immigration repatriated.
卡尔森(BengtCarlsson)在瑞典日报《每日新闻》(Dagens Nyheter)上就福特和沃尔沃的交易发表分析文章说,瑞典难道不是变得更冷了吗?
In an analysis of the Ford-Volvo deal at the time in Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter, Bengt Carlsson wrote, 'Didn't it just get even colder?
MedWire News: Eating fish in the first 9 months of life is associated with a reduced risk for allergic rhinitis symptoms in children, results from a Swedish study suggest.
A mysterious rain of thousands of dead birds darkened New Year's Eve in Arkansas, and this week similar reports streamed in from Louisiana, Sweden, and elsewhere.
Images of the suspects are being Shared on social media, and hundreds of people are said to have seen the live video, Swedish Television News reported.
No one in the Swedish Prosecution Authority's press office answered the phone.
Journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson told a three-judge panel Tuesday they had gone to the insurgency-wracked Ogaden region to investigate the activities of a Swedish oil firm.
In other news, the prime minister of Sweden visited Washington today.
资深辩护律师托马斯·奥尔森是十几名来自瑞典的旁听者之一。 法庭里的瑞典旁听者还包括新闻记者和外交官。
Veteran defense attorney Tomas Olsson is among more than a dozen Swedish observers, journalists and diplomats attending the trial.
Sweden is one of the countries that is with highly developed in mass media industry in the world, and it is also the first country for media legislation in the world.
Sweden is one of the countries that is with highly developed in mass media industry in the world, and it is also the first country for media legislation in the world.