• 巨额款项存入了瑞士银行账户

    Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.


  • 瑞士战争期间保持了中立

    Switzerland was neutral during the war.


  • 保留瑞士银行账户

    I want to keep my Swiss bank account open.


  • 几天我们接待了一些瑞士来访者

    The other day we had some visitors from Switzerland.


  • 不去面对骗税审判而是到了瑞士

    He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.


  • 符合嫌疑犯特征两个男人试图进入瑞士

    Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.


  • 瑞士完全是个内陆国

    Switzerland is completely landlocked.


  • 瑞士位于法国德国奥地利意大利之间

    Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy.


  • 当时正在夹火腿瑞士乳酪黑麦面包。

    I was eating ham and Swiss cheese on rye.


  • 昨天比赛中瑞士2比1击败美国

    In yesterday's game, Switzerland beat the United States two to one.


  • 昨天比赛中瑞士队2比1打败美国队

    In yesterday's games, Switzerland beat the United States two to one.


  • 永远也不会忘记瑞士山岳壮美湖泊的秀丽

    I shall never forget the magnificence of the Swiss mountains and the beauty of the lakes.


  • 知道瑞士不仅仅只有铃声和约德尔调歌声。

    Switzerland isn't all cow bells and yodeling, you know.


  • 告诉意想不到的事:我们瑞士去!

    I have a surprise for you: We are moving to Switzerland!


  • 瑞士路上但是的卡了。我补发卡。

    I'm on my way to Switzerland, but I've lost my card. I've got to get a duplicate.


  • 可选择地中海夜间垂钓或是瑞士玩帆板

    You have the choice of night fishing in the Mediterranean, or windsurfing on a lake in Switzerland.


  • 包租了一架喷气式飞机把加利福尼亚送回瑞士家中

    He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.


  • 后来瑞士工人农民穿戴它们

    Later they were worn by Swiss workers and farmers.


  • 我们再次讨论这次瑞士之行的事宜

    Please let us talk over this trip to Switzerland again.


  • 瑞士雀巢公司正在可口可乐公司合作。

    Swiss company Nestle is working in conjunction with Coca Cola.


  • 它们忧虑无法享受瑞士的风景。

    The anxiety I feel about them prevents me enjoying Switzerland.


  • 不必瑞士那个

    I did not need to go to Switzerland to learn that.


  • 瑞士工程师更进一步

    Swiss engineers have gone one step further.


  • 瑞士了一然后意大利

    I lived in Switzerland for a year, and then I lived in Italy for two years.


  • 提议母亲克拉拉一起瑞士旅行。

    He proposed to travel through Switzerland with his mother and Clara.


  • 莱茵河发源于瑞士

    The River Rhine rises in Switzerland.


  • 有一半最新萨尔萨舞步是从瑞士的。

    Half of the dancers twirling to the latest salsa hits were from Switzerland.


  • 布莱克瑞士

    Black went to Switzerland.


  • 观看,冷漠灰色像苏联而非瑞士的。

    From the outside, its stolid grayness is more Soviet than Swiss.


  • 日内瓦以西6英里瑞士许多实验室建筑

    In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, lies a collection of laboratory buildings.


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