Porsche se paced advancing shares as Credit Suisse Group AG recommended the carmaker.
Nestle SA lost 1.4 percent as Credit Suisse Group AG cut its rating on the stock for the first time in almost six years.
Analysts at Credit Suisse reckon European Banks' profits in 2012 could fall by 37% because of proposed regulation.
Credit Suisse raised its recommendation for both stocks to "outperform" from "neutral," citing the companies' focus on international operations.
“There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive, ” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.
“There are still hurdles to the merger, but the risk/reward looks very attractive,” Credit Suisse wrote in a report to clients.
Barclays Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Credit Suisse Group AG, Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc are managing today’s sale, the person said.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse GroupAG)、花旗集团及瑞士银行(UBS AG)负责此次发行事宜。
Credit Suisse group AG, Citigroup and UBS AG are in charge of the sale.
该俱乐部目前的财务困难主要源自瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group) 2005年提供的一笔3.75亿美元贷款。
Its current financial troubles stem largely from a $375 million loan provided by Credit Suisse Group in 2005.
Porsche gained 4 percent to 69.20 euros after Credit Suisse Group added the carmaker to its "focus list" and raised its share-price estimate by 11 percent to 90 euros.
法国航空公司(air France - KLM)和德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)股价均上涨,此前瑞士信贷集团上调了两家公司的股票评级。
Air France-KLM Group and Deutsche Lufthansa AG climbed as Credit Suisse Group AG upgraded the airlines.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group)信贷承销业务负责人奥哈拉(Timo'Hara)说,债券市场显然已经关闭了。
'The [bond] market is clearly closed,' said Tim o 'hara, who heads credit underwriting at credit Suisse Group.
英国Hays公司和麦可佩吉国际顾问公司(MichaelPage International)股价上涨均超过3%,瑞士信贷集团推荐了两家公司的股票。
Hays Plc and Michael Page International Plc rallied more than 3 percent as Credit Suisse Group ag recommended the recruitment firms.
According to researchers from Credit Suisse, the richest 1% owned 50.8% of the world's wealth in 2016, up from 45.4% in 2009.
Gruebel, who is German and led a turnaround as CEO of Credit Suisse, was tapped by the board of UBS to pull off some magic a second time.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group)也表示,计划每年增加约200名财富管理经理,这样一来,到2012年年底,该公司客户经理的人数将从目前的3,400人增加到4,000人。
Credit Suisse Group also announced plans to add approximately 200 wealth managers each year, boosting its number of relationship managers to 4, 000 by the end of 2012 from the present 3, 400.
Of the two giant conglomerates, Credit Suisse is in rude health and maintains its investment bank is helping to boost its private bank’s margins.
Banks that have seen reputations sullied (UBS, say) will keep losing clients to those whose image has been burnished by the crisis (Credit Suisse).
Analysts at Citigroup reckon that "offshore" assets now account for only 15% or so of the money that is looked after by UBS and Credit Suisse, Switzerland's two biggest Banks.
瑞士信贷计划同北京的方正集团(Founder Group)合资。
Credit Suisse's proposed joint venture is with Founder Group, a Beijing-based conglomerate.
Credit Suisse's rival, UBS, can hardly forget the risk-management failure of its predecessor, Union Bank of Switzerland.
And Brazil could do with its own investment bank: global players such as UBS and Credit Suisse have been active there for some time but have pulled back because of the financial crisis.
And Brazil could do with its own investment bank: global players such as UBS and Credit Suisse have been active there for some time but have pulled back because of the financial crisis.