• 阳煤集团全国瓦斯涌出量最大矿区之一。

    This paper is actually a technical report on mine gas control in Yangquan Coal Group, one of highly gassy coal mines in this country.


  • 计算结果瓦斯涌出准确预测提供了依据

    The result offers some basis for predicting gas emission quantity accurately.


  • 介绍数字分析矿井瓦斯涌出量预测中的应用

    This paper describes the application of numerical analysis in gas emission prediction in virgin zone of a mine.


  • 预测煤层瓦斯涌出煤矿安全生产一个重要措施

    A prediction of a gas emission quantity from a seam is an important measure to the mine safety production.


  • 其次瓦斯涌出量预测方法进行了较为全面的探讨。

    Secondly, the forecasting methods of gas emission are studied fully.


  • 进行瓦斯涌出量预测保障安全生产一个很重要步骤

    Forecasting gas pushing is an important step to ensure production safety.


  • 了解渗透特性瓦斯涌出量预测具有一定参考价值

    It is of certain significance for studying coal seepage characteristics and the prediction of gas emission.


  • 最后实例验证了该方法煤矿瓦斯涌出中的可行性实用性

    Finally, an example is given to prove the feasibility and practicality of the method in the coal mine gas gushing amount prediction.


  • 正确预测瓦斯涌出,对于指导矿井设计安全生产重要意义。

    Precisely predicting the amount of gas emitted from the coal face is of great importance in the design of mine and production safety.


  • 灰色预测模型矿井瓦斯涌出时间动态数列预测提供了一条新的途径

    The grey prediction model provides a new way for predicting the time dynamic numerical array of mine gas emission rate.


  • 正确预测瓦斯涌出量对于指导矿井设计煤矿安全生产有重要现实意义

    Accurate prediction of gas emission is of great practical significance in guiding mine design and ensuring work safety in coal mines.


  • 本文建立了基于模糊粗糙神经网络预测模型瓦斯涌出量进行了预测。

    A novel artificial network model based on fuzzy-rough set for gas emission forecasting of coal is proposed in the paper.


  • 动力比较弱采煤瓦斯突出事故就比较多,或者瓦斯涌出量比较

    In the excavation area with weak or stagnant hydrodynamics, the gas outburst usually happed with large a...


  • 通过建立灰色线性回归组合模型较好地预测了北辰矿井田深部瓦斯涌出量

    It can get a better precision of gas gushing in deeper coal according to building grey linearity model in Beichen coal Mine.


  • 采用识别方法修正GM(1,1)模型进行瓦斯涌出量预测,预测精度更高

    The GM (1, 1) model modified by the residual error identification method was used to forecast the gas emission, achieving a higher precision.


  • 总结鲍店煤矿瓦斯涌出规侓,认为该井田瓦斯涌出东北部偏高,西南部较低

    Thus, gas emission rule of Baodian coal mine is summarized. It is regarded that gas emission amount is high in northeast part, while low in southwest part.


  • 随着放顶煤开采技术我国迅速普及,采煤工作面采空区的瓦斯涌出量不断增加

    As longwall caving technology prevails rapidly in China, gas emission from longwall faces and goaf area increases continuously.


  • 通过对比分析澄清相对瓦斯涌出绝对瓦斯涌出量之间及其煤层埋藏深度关系

    Through contrast and analysis, the relations between relative gas gushing quantity and absolute gas gushing quantity, and between them and the depth of the seam are found.


  • 煤层瓦斯矿井瓦斯防治一个基础参数对矿井瓦斯涌出量的大小起着重要作用

    Coal seams gas content is basic parameter of gas prevention in coal mine, it make a great action of gas discharging quantity.


  • 论述了分预测原理通过实例计算介绍了该方法新建矿井瓦斯涌出量预测中的应用。

    This paper discusses the principles of forecast from different sources, and introduces the application in the new mine gas emission forecast through examples of calculation.


  • 瓦斯较大煤层采用综掘掘进巷道,由于掘进速度快出现瓦斯涌出量过大的现象。

    Under gassy coal seam condition, the full-heading development is employed. Because of the fast heading a high rate of gas emission arises.


  • 瓦斯涌出量一个考察周期内变化属于非线性问题瓦斯固有危险源具有非线性动力特征

    The variation of the gas value within an investigation week would be non linear issue and the gas existing dangerous source would have non linear dynamic features.


  • 利用瓦斯地质数学模型建立了工作面瓦斯涌出数学模型,预测了未采区工作面瓦斯涌出量

    The math model of the gas emission quantity is established by the method of gas geology math model. The gas emission quantity of the working face of the unmining area is predicted by the model.


  • 研究结果对于利用应力场瓦斯通过瓦斯涌出量预测变形破坏具有现实指导意义

    The results have a referential value for using geostress field draining gas in coal bed and predicting deformations and failure of coal through gas emission.


  • 检验成果表明方法对煤层瓦斯涌出量进行预测可行的,矿井瓦斯灾害预测提供参考依据。

    The checked results make clear the gas emission predicting method is feasible and can provide reference frame for gas disaster prediction.


  • 瓦斯涌出一定情况下,随着风速增加隅角的范围减小趋势,且其内混合气体密度越小。

    The range of upper corner and mix gas density is decreased as the face wind speed increased if gas emission is fixed.


  • 通过矿井瓦斯涌出时间序列模糊分形处理BP神经网络影响因素间的非线性关系进行

    After the time series fuzzy fractal processing of the mine gas emission quantity, the non linear relations of the influence factors were combined with BP neural network.


  • 重点叙述针对瓦斯来源个数瓦斯涌出大小及其涌出变化规律进行治理瓦斯治理方法

    The management methods of separating source gas are narrated in view of gas origin quantity, each source gas gush and change rule of gas gush.


  • 结果表明,灰色马尔柯模型预测工作面瓦斯涌出量拟合精度好,结果正确可靠一定普遍应用性

    It shows that the forecast result of Grey Markov prediction model has better fitting precision and correct dependability. It has certain general employing.


  • 通过误差分析实际应用证明关联分析BP网络结合起来开展瓦斯涌出预测一种可行方法

    The error analysis and practical use show that combining relating analysis method with BP network method to predicting gas gushing quantity of mining faces is a feasible method.


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