• 一味追求财富忽视了对地球生态环境保护

    The pursuit of economic wealth took precedence over protection of the planet’s ecological health.


  • 西部开发必须西部生态环境保护相协调。

    The Western development must be in line with the protection of the western ecologic environment.


  • 矿区开发生态环境保护恢复一个重要问题

    The protection and recovery of ecological environment after exploited thecoal mine is an important problem.


  • 阔叶树水分蒸腾速率超过针叶树生态环境的保护作用更大

    Water transpiration rate of broadleaf tree is much higher than that of conifer tree, which made it having greater protective function.


  • 生态环境保护与否不仅影响人们生活健康会影响艺术创作与欣赏。

    Whether or not to protect the environment not only influences people's life and health but also the creation and appreciation of art.


  • 通过评估发现8项服务功能价值巨大,以此加深人们生态环境保护重视

    It is revealed that the 8 services each has high value, the assessment can promote the public awareness on environment protection and ecological conservation.


  • 任何形式自然资源过度开采应该禁止,生态环境保护应该得到推崇资助

    Any form of overly exploitation of natural resources should be prohibited while the preservation of eco-system should be honored and funded.


  • 由于生产管理决策科学化,避免了盲目施用农药,促进了马铃薯主产区下游广大区域生态环境保护

    With the scientific management and reduction of pesticide application, the environment of potato planting region and the area of the lower of the Yangtze River will be improved.


  • 2002年世界旅游组织定为国际生态旅游年”,自此,自然人文生态环境保护成为一个世界性话题

    Since 2002 was designated as "international Ecological Tourist Year", the protection of natural and humanist environment has become an international topic.


  • 这种经济环境利益关系的扭曲,不仅威胁着不同地区间不同人群和谐,更为重要的是使生态环境保护面临着非常大的困难

    The distortions between environmental and economic benefits, not only threatens the different regions and different groups of harmony, ecological environment protection faces with great difficulty.


  • 资源型企业不仅实现自己战略转型,还要在国家能源安全、资源型城市转型、生态环境的保护以及社会福利的增进方面承担责任

    The resource enterprise must take the responsibility of its own transition, and it must take other responsibilities, such as the resource safety of our country, the transition of the resource city...


  • 资源型企业不仅实现自己战略转型,还要在国家能源安全、资源型城市的转型、生态环境的保护以及社会福利的增进方面承担责任

    The resource enterprise must take the responsibility of its own transition, and it must take other responsibilities, such as the resource safety of our country, the t...


  • 资源型企业不仅实现自己战略转型,还要在国家能源安全、资源型城市转型、生态环境的保护以及社会福利的增进方面承担责任

    The resource enterprise must take the responsibility of its own transition, and it must take other responsibilities, such as the resource safety of our country, the transition of th...


  • 戈尔回答道觉得地球重要性独一无二,保护地球生态环境重要的。

    Al responded that he felt that the earth was the ultimate importance and that protecting the earth's ecological system was most important.


  • 很快智利会面a促进经济增长保护生态环境的冲突矛盾。

    Chile will soon face a conflict between promoting economic growth and protecting the environment.


  • 专家鼓励消费者可以更加全面考虑他们的食物——哪里包装是否合格,是否符合保护生态环境的要求。

    Experts say we can also expect consumers to think more holistically about their foodquestioning where it came from, its packaging, and its ecological footprint.


  • 为了敦促我们减少温室气体排放科学家断言,热衷保护生态环境的外星人会对人类温室气体的排放感到难以容忍,并怀着厌恶之情摧毁我们星球

    In the latest bid to get us to cut greenhouse gases, scientists have decided that eco-conscious aliens disgusted by mankind's emissions could destroy our planet in disgust.


  • 城市园林绿化保护改善城市生态环境重要手段

    Urban landscaping is a chief means to protect and improve urban ecological environment.


  • 海事安全和保护北极脆弱生态环境也是5月28日会议议程重要议题。

    Maritime security and protection of the fragile Arctic ecosystem will also be hot items on the agenda at the May 28 meeting.


  • 而言之,我们需要限制自然资源过度使用,保护我们生存环境以便维持生态环境的平衡

    In conclusion, we should limit the overuse of the natural resources and protect our living environment in order to maintain the balance of environment.


  • 不是我们破坏环境理由,我们必须大力保护生态环境否则结果不堪设想的。

    But this is not the reason we destroy the environment, we must vigorously protect the good ecological environment, otherwise the result is be unbearable to contemplate.


  • 绿色消费避免减少环境破坏更好保护生态环境的新型消费模式

    Green consumption is a kind of new consumption patterns to avoid or reduce damage to the environment, and protect the ecological environment better.


  • 另外一部分人认为为了保证生态环境平衡人类义务保护濒危动物

    Others claim that in order to ensure the balance of ecosystem, human beings have the obligation to preserve endangered animals.


  • 因此研究保护湿地陕西区域生态环境建设有着重大意义

    So the study and protection of Sanhe wetland are very important to the construction of the ecological environment of Shaanxi province.


  • 从而使人们认识到 ,加强环境管理保护生态环境就是实现国民生产总值增长

    Strengthening the environmental management and protecting the eco-environment is an essential condition for the net growth of GNP.


  • 本文对桂林喀斯特洞穴目前生态环境现状进行评述保护措施进行研究

    The thesis makes a study on the eco-environmental situation of the Karst Cave landscape and the protection of it.


  • 直到我们遭受失去平衡生态环境时候,人们才能了解保护野生动植物的重要性

    It is not until we are suffering a lot from the loss of a balanced environment that people will realise the importance of protecting wildlife.


  • 面对全球森林资源匮乏生态环境日益恶化问题保护环境保护森林已成为人类的共识。

    With the increasing issues of forest decreasing and environment degradation, environmental protection and forest protection have drawn more and more attention from all aspects.


  • 面对全球森林资源匮乏生态环境日益恶化问题保护环境保护森林已成为人类的共识。

    With the increasing issues of forest decreasing and environment degradation, environmental protection and forest protection have drawn more and more attention from all aspects.


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